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  1. DRMacIver's Notebook, , more info

    Set operations on SAT problems
    Set operations on SAT problems Published 2024-09-22 I’ve figured out a neat trick recently that I’ve not seen before, although I don’t know if it’s actually novel. It’s a fairly general method for manipulating SAT problems in CNF form to perform arbitrary set options on their solution set, without adding additional variables to the problem.It’s somewhere between well-known and obvious that you can do it with adding additional variables, and …
    1,804 words
  2. Chris Coyier, , more info

    Media Diet
    📺 Presumed Innocent — A pretty fun whodunit ride with twists despite most of the people involved being pretty unlikable. I couldn’t shake the feeling that a lot of these people should be spending way more time and energy on figuring out who did it than worrying about establishing doubt. 🕹️ A Short Hike — 10/10 absolutely lovable fun little game. Played with 6-year old Ruby and we were able …
    By Chris Coyier, 214 words
  3., , more info

    radio door 1001
    Welcome to door dot link (: This is 158, featuring: Automatic, Buffalo Daughter, Piana, Takako Minekawa, Yawning Portal, John Dwye, Ex Wiish, Hysterical love project, Tirzah, Yoshinori Sunahara, mus.hiba, Nabihah Iqbal
    34 words
  4. Khaled Abou Alfa, , more info

    2024-09-23 01:43
    The Godfather is such a great movie. I can’t remember how many times I’ve seen it but every time I rewatch it I’m just totally sucked into the world.
    29 words
  5. Nelson's Linkblog, , more info

    Indie Wiki Buddy
    Browser extension to help you find good wikis instead of SEO spam sites like Fandom
    18 words
  6. Nigeness, , more info

    Going to the Barber
    Yesterday I went, with my cousin, to visit the Barber Institute of Fine Arts in Birmingham, on the university campus (a symphony in red brick and stone). The Barber is a very handsome building in art deco style by Robert Atkinson – who, as it happens, was the architect of Wallington Town Hall, back in my old patch (the one building in Wallington that Pevsner commends – and rightly so). …
    By Nige, 427 words
  7. The website of Alice Bartlett, , more info

    Week 316: Clippered head
    The other day, I was walking up the road to collect Chaz from his last day of nursery, and I had forgotten it was his last day until five minutes prior and so I had gone into Sainsbury’s to pick up some Celebrations. And I was feeling kinda bad because what a shit mum for only getting a shitty box of shitty chocolates after my kids had gone to that …
    326 words
  8. Everyday Commentary, , more info

    Daedalus Knife Co. Lab Review
    We are in a strange place right now in the knife market. So many knives are rushing past the Sebenza Barrier like it is nothing more than a speed bump, that we no longer stare in shock at $1,000 production knives. To me, this all seems insane, but I am acutely aware that I may be afflicted with Old Man Syndrome, whereby I am evaluating behavior based on outdated norms. …
    By Anthony Sculimbrene, 1,977 words
  9. Learning from my mistakes: an English teacher's blog, , more info

    Narrowing those feelings
    Effect is such a funny thing to explore when reading texts. It is wrapped up in so many things. What has happened previously? What does the reader think will happen next? What is really going on in the story? A lot of what we expect from students is precision. Precise identification of a mood or a feeling.The best students are those that can identify a range of precise moods and …
    By Xris32, 746 words
  10. Andrew Doran, , more info

    Weeknotes #291 — Significant dates
    The photo doesn’t do justice to how big this cake was On Saturday we celebrated the 10th birthday of Berkhamsted Cycle Club, with a specially-organised route for our weekly club ride, followed by cake and fizz at Church Farm Cafe in Aldbury. I took up cycling a year before the club was formed. I thought about joining, but as I was then the dad of 7 and 5 year-olds who …
    By Andrew Doran, 967 words
  11. A Year In The Country, , more info

    Arboreal Explorations 19
    By stephenprince, 3 words
  12. Man in Chair, , more info

    Melbourne Opera: Puccini Gala, Suor Angelica Concert review
    Packing a terrific one-two punch, the Melbourne Opera Puccini Gala pairs a heavenly concert performance of one-act tragedy Suor Angelica with a set of splendid Puccini selections. Traditionally performed as the second act of Puccini triptych Il Trittico, Suor Angelica makes for an ideal concert offering, its all-female cast of 11 showcasing a glorious set of voices. Deeply repentant and immersed in convent life, Sister Angelica is left devastated after …
    By Simon Parris, 842 words
  13. Breaking The Fourth Wall, , more info

    Selfies, Visas and How I Pay For My Dinners, Old Red Lion Theatre – Review
    While some British actresses with Eastern European ancestry have ‘transcended’ their roots and are not thought of in terms of nationality, they were brought up in the UK and never had their ‘Britishness’ questioned. For anybody else of the same heritage wanting to make it in the West as a serious actress, they have to put up with many obstacles – the greatest being preconceptions and stereotypes… Written and performed …
    By Michael Davis, 575 words
  14. Matthew Sheret – is someone who types things, , more info

    Week 90: So gradual
    7-week ‘project-within-a-project’ wrapped up this week. Brilliant feedback. Lots to crack on with. A good summer, closed nicely. Trip down south to family this weekend. Very chill. Seeing R around her Grandma and Grandad every few months is always such a way-marker. I see so many of the step-changes that have felt so gradual day-to-day. A treat. Shiatsu has been helping with the back/leg pain. But man alive is it …
    By Matt Sheret, 77 words
  15. Scott Boms | Documenting, , more info

    Fill in the Blanks It’s not every day that a songwriter you love writes a song about a topic that’s not about what it might seem on the surface — and one that has a personal familial connection. Case in point: the brilliant Joel Plaskett writing a song about McLuhan’s theory of Hot and Cool media. The origin of this song, which I first heard this summer, came about from Joel taking my …
    147 words