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  1. Peter Cameron's Blog, , more info

    Bill Jackson
    My former colleague Bill Jackson is retiring from Queen Mary. Robert Johnson has put together a nice tribute to Bill, which you can find at
    By Peter Cameron, 28 words
  2. tourist wannabe - Rado's blog, , more info

    Минало, настояще и атмосферно време в Защото обичам лошото време на Яна Лекарска
    Министерството на носталгията предупреждава: този продукт може да съдържа печени чушки. Както лошото време отминава и е неразделна част от природата, така и лошите моменти от миналото са важна част от живота. Според Защото обичам лошото време, болезнените спомени не са за пренебрегване и заключване надълбоко, защото това ни кара да зацикляме и пречи на развитието и в крайна сметка на щастието. Сценарист-режисьорката Яна Лекарска е създала един филм с …
    By rado, 283 words
  3. Greenbriar Picture Shows, , more info

    Ads and Oddities #7
    Ad/Odds: Winston-Salem as Show Town gifted us over Mother’s Day weekend with free access to their archive, opportunity to dig among microfilmed pages, reminder anew of damage done to precious print when libraries converted their lot to ugly photostat and junked original pages. Sad outcome for much of what had survived but no longer does. I at least was able to sift Winston-Salem Journal pages for what might bring …
    By John McElwee, 2,251 words
  4. kindertrauma, , more info

    Name That Trauma:: Kathryngrace on an Oversized Eyewitness Ghost Book
    Hi, I know the “Name That Trauma” is usually about movies or TV, but there’s a book about ghosts I read as a kid that I’ve been trying to find for years and I thought someone might recognize what book I’m talking about. It was a book about “real" ghosts. It was blue and oversized and had a picture of a ghostly woman riding a carriage on the cover. She …
    By unkle lancifer, 169 words
  5. DC Rainmaker | Blog, , more info

    COROS September 2024 New Features: A Quick Recap
    COROS has announced a smattering of new features for both their watches, as well as their Dura bike computer. In the case of the bike computer, this firmware update will mark the resumption of shipping, after the company halted shipping back shortly after launch, due to issues with the mounting tabs on the Dura breaking in K-Edge bike computer mounts (arguably the most popular 3rd party mount company out there). …
    By Ray Maker, 1,286 words
  6. The Savvy Diabetic | Blog, , more info

    Savvy Updates, 9/23/24: G7 Geofencing Fix, Senseonics Eversense 365, Abbott Ramps Libre3 Production, AI Predicts Retinopathy, SuperCell Medicines, Stem Cell-Enabled Therapy, How to Appeal Insurance Denial, T1D & Brain Development, FTC & PMBs Sue Each Other, ChatGPT for Diagnosis
    In this week’s issue of The Savvy Diabetic: Geofencing/Dexcom G7 Update! with Jake Leach Senseonics Gets FDA Clearance for 1-year CGM Abbott Ramps Up Libre 3 Production AI Model to Predict Diabetic Retinopathy GC Therapeutics “Supercell” Medicines SymbioCellTech’s Stem Cell-Enabled Therapy How to Appeal Insurance Denials Type 1 Diabetes & Brain Development FTC & PMBs Sue Each Other Using ChatGPT to Diagnose Geofencing/Dexcom G7 Update!
    By thesavvydiabetic, 104 words
  7. Trout Nation, , more info

    (Partially) Empty Nest
    December 29th, 2002, was the most terrifying car ride of my life. I sat in the backseat, knuckles white as I grasped the car seat, silently praying that the unthinkable would not occur while knowing in my heart that it would. We would get into an accident and never make it home. And I had no way to protect the brand new human riding beside me. Looking back, I know …
    By JennyTrout, 1,199 words
  8. GroundZeroArt, , more info

    A review of the Carl Zeiss 35mm ZM f2.0 Biogon lens. An indepth, must read review!!!
    It's small.It's light.It seems well built.It seems pretty sharp. It was much cheaper than the new Leica equivalent. I like it.The mannequins have left the building. Mic drop.
    By Kirk, Photographer/Writer, 42 words
  9. Adam Keys is typing, , more info

    Jam session
    At its best, social media is like jazz — there’s an improvisational, multi-player quality to it. Following threads, riffing, and quipping creates a collaborative rhythm all its own. I love that! Then, add in the “threaded style” of social media writing and thinking. There’s a give-and-take, a call-and-response. Ideas build on each other, it’s even more like jazz. Sometimes, riffs are refined via “collaborating with the network” to the point …
    101 words
  10. The Play's The Thing UK, , more info

    The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady, The Barbican
    by Zahid Fayyaz Based on the 1963 album by Charles Mingus, this production transferred from Shoreditch Town Hall after a run last year. The dance/theatre production set entirely on the Barbican stage – the audience join both the Clod Ensemble and the Nu Civilisation Orchestra on stage for the show. With the space done up as a jazz club, the audience sits and stands around the dancers and the musicians …
    By laurakressly, 362 words
  11. radiojayallen, , more info

    Qodosen DX-286 Now Shipping with TWO 18650 Li-ion Batteries
    The DX-286 now comes with TWO 18650 Li-ion batteries and is available from Amazon for US buyers and Ali Express for those outside the US. See it at Amazon: See it at Ali Express: Jay Allen
    By radiojayallen, 45 words
  12. Pnårp’s docile & perfunctory page, , more info

    Q-Tips, cute tips, a queue of tips
    Pnårp suffered expensive disasters, queued up some Q-Tips, then took that as his cue to tiptoe off.
    24 words
  13. The Dusty Bookcase, , more info

    Of Poets, Poetry, Politicians, and Parliament Hill
    Yet another gloriously sunny September weekend, I spent most of it stacking firewood in preparation for winter. The high point came early Saturday morning when I found myself in Ottawa's ByWard Market with an hour to kill. It was so early, that Patrick McGahern Books hadn't yet opened, and so I made for Parliament Hill to see how the restoration of the Centre Block is progressing.Quite well, it seems.Despite the …
    By Brian Busby, 1,240 words
  14. The Hiro Report, , more info

    Happy Sunday everyone! I’ve got a little bit of a different format for the newsletter today— In light of iOS 18’s release earlier this week, I’ve put together a list of some of my favorite indie iOS apps that are already taking advantage of the features the new OS provides for developers. That said, I couldn’t leave my fellow gear heads hanging with just apps in this issue, so I’m …
    By Hiro, 1,008 words
  15. European studies blog, , more info

    Wage Peace Not War. Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi on Violence, Nonresistance, and Love
    The year was 1908. The shock waves of the 1905 Revolution still reverberated throughout the Russian Empire when two letters from an Indian revolutionary Taraknath Das reached Leo Tolstoy at home in Iasnaia Poliana. Das wrote to the ailing Tolstoy, then a world-renowned author, pacifist and anarchist, asking for his...
    By European Studies, 64 words