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  1. James' Coffee Blog, , more info

    Moments of joy: The bus ride
    By - (James)
  2. TrekCore, , more info

    WeeklyTrek Podcast #259 — STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Season 5 is Coming!
    On this week’s episode of WeeklyTrek — TrekCore’s news podcast — host Alex Perry is joined by Katie to discuss all the latest Star Trek news. This week, Alex and his guest discuss the following stories from TrekCore and around the web: TrekCore: Check out the New STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Season 5 Key Art and Watch a First Preview Clip (8:28) TrekCore: STAR TREK Brings SECTION 31 and LOWER …
    By Alex Perry, 261 words
  3. Astroblog, , more info

    Thursday September 26 to Thursday October 3
    The New Moon is Thursday, October 3. Saturn is just past opposition, and is visible all night long. Venus draws away from the bright star Spica heading towards Libra. Mars and Jupiter continue to draw apart and Mars is in the heart of Gemini. Comet C/2023 A3 may be seen low in the morning twilight, it is closest to the Sun on September 27. The New Moon is Thursday, October …
    By Ian Musgrave, 646 words
  4. High-Low, , more info

    mini-kus #112: Gina Wynbrandt's You're The Center Of Attention
    As I've said before, when it comes to humor, punching up can feel pretentious, punching down is unseemly, but punching yourself is always funny. Gina Wynbrandt excels at this sort of comedy of self-humiliation, and it's been exciting to see her slowly work herself back into cartooning again after a long break. In I'm The Center Of Attention, Wynbrandt satirizes social media attention-seeking culture in a hilariously blunt manner, interpolating …
    By Rob Clough, 381 words
  5. Eduwonk, , more info

    The Bloom Is Off The Seth Rose. What To Think About Corey DeAngelis?
    We do fish porn around here, sure. We don’t do the real kind, this is a family friendly publication. Yet this week the sector has a porn scandal. So here we are. It turns out that self-described school choice evangelist Corey DeAngelis (who I know of professionally, obviously, but have never met) allegedly has a history in gay porn under the screen name “Seth Rose.” Not going to link here …
    By arotherham, 744 words
  6. FW Rare Jazz Vinyl Collector, , more info

    "That's It!" by Booker Ervin on Candid CJM 8014
    Another great Booker Ervin title. View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize Like every other Ervin album I’ve heard this one is lovely. I’ve been after it for a long time. It’s quite difficult to find in great shape so I’m happy to have found this copy which is in top shape for sure.Ervin had a very unique style …
    By Fredrik, 143 words
  7. justin․searls․co, , more info

    🔥 When I wrote this pull quote even I was…
    When I wrote this pull quote even I was surprised by how much Standard Ruby has improved in the last two years
    By Justin Searls, 33 words
  8. Jorge Arango, , more info

    The Informed Life with Tamsen Webster
    Episode 149 of The Informed Life podcast features a conversation with message designer Tamsen Webster. Tamsen helps leaders enact large-scale change, and her latest book, Say What They Can’t Unhear explains how to drive lasting change through effective communication. That was the focus of our conversation. Tamsen’s journey with change started in her teens. But it was while moonlighting as a Weight Watchers leader that she gained firsthand experience using …
    By jarango, 618 words
  9. same stuff, different day, , more info

    Interesting links of the week 2024-39
    Here are the best and most interesting articles, blog posts, videos, podcasts, and GitHub repositories I’ve run into over the last week (September 16, 2024 - September 22, 2024). Enjoy! Microsoft / Dotnet / Azure - Other Software Dev - Tech and Science - Leadership - Project Management / Agile - Social Media - Non-Tech / Random - Videos - GitHub Repos Here are some posts I’ve written in the …
    By Michael Eaton, 318 words
  10., , more info

    Personal Server with Docker Compose
    Personal Server with Docker Compose Over the last couple of weeks I updated the server this blog and many more stuff is running on. I decided to move (nearly) everything to Docker. My previous setup was much more traditional. My server runs Debian Linux. A single Apache server provided different virtual hosts, the different services used different PHP FPM pools, each using an individual user. My goal with the Docker …
    By andi, 1,571 words
  11. Peter Cameron's Blog, , more info

    Bill Jackson
    My former colleague Bill Jackson is retiring from Queen Mary. Robert Johnson has put together a nice tribute to Bill, which you can find at
    By Peter Cameron, 28 words
  12. tourist wannabe - Rado's blog, , more info

    Минало, настояще и атмосферно време в Защото обичам лошото време на Яна Лекарска
    Министерството на носталгията предупреждава: този продукт може да съдържа печени чушки. Както лошото време отминава и е неразделна част от природата, така и лошите моменти от миналото са важна част от живота. Според Защото обичам лошото време, болезнените спомени не са за пренебрегване и заключване надълбоко, защото това ни кара да зацикляме и пречи на развитието и в крайна сметка на щастието. Сценарист-режисьорката Яна Лекарска е създала един филм с …
    By rado, 283 words
  13. Greenbriar Picture Shows, , more info

    Ads and Oddities #7
    Ad/Odds: Winston-Salem as Show Town gifted us over Mother’s Day weekend with free access to their archive, opportunity to dig among microfilmed pages, reminder anew of damage done to precious print when libraries converted their lot to ugly photostat and junked original pages. Sad outcome for much of what had survived but no longer does. I at least was able to sift Winston-Salem Journal pages for what might bring …
    By John McElwee, 2,251 words
  14. kindertrauma, , more info

    Name That Trauma:: Kathryngrace on an Oversized Eyewitness Ghost Book
    Hi, I know the “Name That Trauma” is usually about movies or TV, but there’s a book about ghosts I read as a kid that I’ve been trying to find for years and I thought someone might recognize what book I’m talking about. It was a book about “real" ghosts. It was blue and oversized and had a picture of a ghostly woman riding a carriage on the cover. She …
    By unkle lancifer, 169 words
  15. DC Rainmaker | Blog, , more info

    COROS September 2024 New Features: A Quick Recap
    COROS has announced a smattering of new features for both their watches, as well as their Dura bike computer. In the case of the bike computer, this firmware update will mark the resumption of shipping, after the company halted shipping back shortly after launch, due to issues with the mounting tabs on the Dura breaking in K-Edge bike computer mounts (arguably the most popular 3rd party mount company out there). …
    By Ray Maker, 1,286 words