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  1. Smashing Magazine, , more info

    The Timeless Power Of Spreadsheets
    Part of me can’t believe I’m writing this article. Applying the insights of Leonardo da Vinci or Saul Bass to web design is more my groove, but sometimes you simply have to write about spreadsheets. You have to advocate for them. Because someone should. In a checkered career spanning copywriting, journalism, engineering, and teaching, I’ve seen time and time again how powerful and useful spreadsheets are in all walks of …
    By Frederick O’Brien, 1,235 words
  2. Pröper Gander |, , more info

    Psycho Cat Daddy
    Hardly According to Plan I haven't lived the life my parents thought I'd have. Assuming I had lived to see my eighteenth birthday (which they didn't expect — gee, thanks!) they thought I'd go to college, get an undergraduate degree, and perhaps go to grad school. They thought I'd meet a woman at college, marry her after graduation, and have children with her. They probably didn't expect me to drop …
    By Matthew Graybosch, 8,733 words
  3. Global Nerdy, , more info

    Scenes from DevOpsDays Tampa Bay 2024
    DevOpsDays Tampa Bay 2024 took place last Thursday, September 19th, and I’m pleased to report that it was a success, with 230 attendees, great talks, an enthusiastic audience, and a lot of participation, all in my favorite conference venue! DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of community-run technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. DevOpsDays Tampa Bay is “The Other Bay Area’s” edition …
    By Joey deVilla, 515 words
  4. Brixton Blog, , more info

    Remembering Benjamin Zephaniah in Brixton library
    Friends of Brixton Library (FoBL) is inviting Brixton to remember the great poet and activist Benjamin Zephaniah on National Poetry Day, Thursday 3 October, as part of Black History Month. “On 7 December last year, Britain – and the world at large – lost a true cultural icon, one of the most celebrated poets of his […]
    By Contributor, 63 words
  5. The Pasta Project – Authentic Pasta Recipes, , more info

    8 Maltagliati Recipes
    Maltagliati is a rustic Italian pasta that originated as a resourceful way to use leftover pasta dough. The leftover dough is cut up into irregularly shaped pieces, adding a unique texture to recipes. Each region in Italy has its own spin on maltagliati, which is used in a variety of delicious, traditional recipes. What is... The post 8 Maltagliati Recipes appeared first on The Pasta Project.
    By Jacqui, 69 words
  6. McFilter, , more info

    Interesting Things on the Internet: September 23rd 2024 Edition
    The Art of Taking It Slow. I don't agree with all of this—index gears are much better than friction levers, and I never got on with adjusting side-pull brakes—but cycling is definitely about comfort, enjoyment and fun.Coming home. there’s all this hype about making everything easier and faster, about how we can eliminate all the work involved in the making of words and images. But no one arguing for this …
    163 words
  7. English Buildings, , more info

    Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
    A last resort Taking some brisk urban exercise in Chipping Norton, I decided to walk up the gentle rise on the Banbury side of town, aiming for a building I’d often passed in the car, the attractive wooden cupola in my eye corner, but never paused to look at properly. If I tell you that the cupola tops an octagonal roof and that there are two further wings projecting from …
    By Philip Wilkinson, 488 words
  8. James' Coffee Blog, , more info

    Moments of joy: The bus ride
    By - (James)
  9. TrekCore, , more info

    WeeklyTrek Podcast #259 — STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Season 5 is Coming!
    On this week’s episode of WeeklyTrek — TrekCore’s news podcast — host Alex Perry is joined by Katie to discuss all the latest Star Trek news. This week, Alex and his guest discuss the following stories from TrekCore and around the web: TrekCore: Check out the New STAR TREK: LOWER DECKS Season 5 Key Art and Watch a First Preview Clip (8:28) TrekCore: STAR TREK Brings SECTION 31 and LOWER …
    By Alex Perry, 261 words
  10. Astroblog, , more info

    Thursday September 26 to Thursday October 3
    The New Moon is Thursday, October 3. Saturn is just past opposition, and is visible all night long. Venus draws away from the bright star Spica heading towards Libra. Mars and Jupiter continue to draw apart and Mars is in the heart of Gemini. Comet C/2023 A3 may be seen low in the morning twilight, it is closest to the Sun on September 27. The New Moon is Thursday, October …
    By Ian Musgrave, 646 words
  11. High-Low, , more info

    mini-kus #112: Gina Wynbrandt's You're The Center Of Attention
    As I've said before, when it comes to humor, punching up can feel pretentious, punching down is unseemly, but punching yourself is always funny. Gina Wynbrandt excels at this sort of comedy of self-humiliation, and it's been exciting to see her slowly work herself back into cartooning again after a long break. In I'm The Center Of Attention, Wynbrandt satirizes social media attention-seeking culture in a hilariously blunt manner, interpolating …
    By Rob Clough, 381 words
  12. Eduwonk, , more info

    The Bloom Is Off The Seth Rose. What To Think About Corey DeAngelis?
    We do fish porn around here, sure. We don’t do the real kind, this is a family friendly publication. Yet this week the sector has a porn scandal. So here we are. It turns out that self-described school choice evangelist Corey DeAngelis (who I know of professionally, obviously, but have never met) allegedly has a history in gay porn under the screen name “Seth Rose.” Not going to link here …
    By arotherham, 744 words
  13. FW Rare Jazz Vinyl Collector, , more info

    "That's It!" by Booker Ervin on Candid CJM 8014
    Another great Booker Ervin title. View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize View fullsize Like every other Ervin album I’ve heard this one is lovely. I’ve been after it for a long time. It’s quite difficult to find in great shape so I’m happy to have found this copy which is in top shape for sure.Ervin had a very unique style …
    By Fredrik, 143 words
  14. justin․searls․co, , more info

    🔥 When I wrote this pull quote even I was…
    When I wrote this pull quote even I was surprised by how much Standard Ruby has improved in the last two years
    By Justin Searls, 33 words
  15. Jorge Arango, , more info

    The Informed Life with Tamsen Webster
    Episode 149 of The Informed Life podcast features a conversation with message designer Tamsen Webster. Tamsen helps leaders enact large-scale change, and her latest book, Say What They Can’t Unhear explains how to drive lasting change through effective communication. That was the focus of our conversation. Tamsen’s journey with change started in her teens. But it was while moonlighting as a Weight Watchers leader that she gained firsthand experience using …
    By jarango, 618 words