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  1. Ken Shirriff's blog, , more info

    Inside a ferroelectric RAM chip
    Ferroelectric memory (FRAM) is an interesting storage technique that stores bits in a special "ferroelectric" material. Ferroelectric memory is nonvolatile like flash memory, able to hold its data for decades. But, unlike flash, ferroelectric memory can write data rapidly. Moreover, FRAM is much more durable than flash and can be be written trillions of times. With these advantages, you might wonder why FRAM isn't more popular. The problem is that …
    By Ken Shirriff, 2,473 words
  2. History is made at night, , more info

    '30 years of Grace' - photos of Jeff Buckley
    Last week I stumbled across an exhibition of photos of Jeff Buckley by Merri Cyr, including the shots she took for the cover of Grace, his only studio album released 30 years ago in 1994. A beautiful man with a beautiful voice, difficult though to approach his music with a clear perspective through the fog of the misplaced romanticism surrounding a tragic early death - in his case of course …
    115 words
  3. Critic After Dark, , more info

    The Substance (Coralie Fargeat, 2024)
    The Fountain of EwCoralie Fargeat's The Substance (2024), about the decline of celebrity Elisabeth Sparkle (Demi Moore) and rise of her showbiz doppelganger Sue (Margaret Qualley), leans hard-- very hard-- into the idea that beauty is a daily impossible burden for women to aspire to sometimes fail to attain and if they do attain must maintain said beauty for as long as they can-- forever if possible. A lovely premise, …
    By Noel Vera, 1,091 words
  4. idiot king, , more info

    Ouroboros, Take Two
    I set up another account for the Travelall on Instagram last night, wrote an entirely new post, picked a completely different picture, and added completely different links to the profile. It wouldn’t let me use the account name from my first try, so I used a slightly different one. I wrote a long description for my second post and put it up with a new picture this afternoon. Checking the …
    By idiotking, 136 words
  5. Robin The Fog, , more info

    TDK – The Tapeworm Celebrates 15 Years With A Howling Horrorshow
    Hello You. Been a while since I wrote anything on these pages, but certainly not for lack of incident round these parts. I’ve been beavering away behind the scenes, mostly on mixing and editing audio in more formal environments for the delight and edification of various media empires, while simultaneously trying not to use my powers to fuel the forces of darkness (which in our current political and economic landscape …
    By Robin The Fog, 368 words
  6. Restaurant-ing through history, , more info

    Postscript: Don the Beachcomber
    A new book has come out about Don ‘s wife, Sunny Sund, who took over the Beachcomber chain and made it a success. Its author is Sunny’s daughter Karen, working with Cindi Neisinger. It is largely a personal account filled with anecdotes, a view of a mother/daughter relationship, celebrity mentions, and some of the harsh realities that shaped Sunny’s life. A drink recipe ends each chapter.
    By Jan Whitaker, 70 words
  7. Gansey Nation, , more info

    Wick (Thos McKay): Week 15 – 23 September
    The weather went on holiday last week. It packed its bags and went off to sunnier climes, taking any shreds of warmth with it. Temperatures plummeted – some areas of Scotland had frost – and some considered taking out their winter clothes and others did. I considered donning an autumn jacket, but in the end was glad I hadn’t. The next day, the weather returned from its short break, bringing …
    By Margaret Reid, 520 words
  8., , more info

    Les vieux cons (ou L’humaine imperfection de la perfection morale)
    Les vieux cons (ou L’humaine imperfection de la perfection morale) Idéaliser nos idoles L’écrivain de SF John Scalzi réagit au fait que certaines personnes semblent faire de lui une idole, surtout depuis que Neil Gaiman est accusé d’agressions sexuelles. Son argument principal : tous les humains sont imparfaits et vous ne devriez prendre personne pour idole. Et surtout pas ceux qui le souhaitent. Please Don’t Idolize Me (or Anyone, Really) …
    By Ploum, 2,069 words
  9. Smashing Magazine, , more info

    The Timeless Power Of Spreadsheets
    Part of me can’t believe I’m writing this article. Applying the insights of Leonardo da Vinci or Saul Bass to web design is more my groove, but sometimes you simply have to write about spreadsheets. You have to advocate for them. Because someone should. In a checkered career spanning copywriting, journalism, engineering, and teaching, I’ve seen time and time again how powerful and useful spreadsheets are in all walks of …
    By Frederick O’Brien, 1,235 words
  10. Pröper Gander |, , more info

    Psycho Cat Daddy
    Hardly According to Plan I haven't lived the life my parents thought I'd have. Assuming I had lived to see my eighteenth birthday (which they didn't expect — gee, thanks!) they thought I'd go to college, get an undergraduate degree, and perhaps go to grad school. They thought I'd meet a woman at college, marry her after graduation, and have children with her. They probably didn't expect me to drop …
    By Matthew Graybosch, 8,733 words
  11. Global Nerdy, , more info

    Scenes from DevOpsDays Tampa Bay 2024
    DevOpsDays Tampa Bay 2024 took place last Thursday, September 19th, and I’m pleased to report that it was a success, with 230 attendees, great talks, an enthusiastic audience, and a lot of participation, all in my favorite conference venue! DevOpsDays is a worldwide series of community-run technical conferences covering topics of software development, IT infrastructure operations, and the intersection between them. DevOpsDays Tampa Bay is “The Other Bay Area’s” edition …
    By Joey deVilla, 515 words
  12. Brixton Blog, , more info

    Remembering Benjamin Zephaniah in Brixton library
    Friends of Brixton Library (FoBL) is inviting Brixton to remember the great poet and activist Benjamin Zephaniah on National Poetry Day, Thursday 3 October, as part of Black History Month. “On 7 December last year, Britain – and the world at large – lost a true cultural icon, one of the most celebrated poets of his […]
    By Contributor, 63 words
  13. The Pasta Project – Authentic Pasta Recipes, , more info

    8 Maltagliati Recipes
    Maltagliati is a rustic Italian pasta that originated as a resourceful way to use leftover pasta dough. The leftover dough is cut up into irregularly shaped pieces, adding a unique texture to recipes. Each region in Italy has its own spin on maltagliati, which is used in a variety of delicious, traditional recipes. What is... The post 8 Maltagliati Recipes appeared first on The Pasta Project.
    By Jacqui, 69 words
  14. McFilter, , more info

    Interesting Things on the Internet: September 23rd 2024 Edition
    The Art of Taking It Slow. I don't agree with all of this—index gears are much better than friction levers, and I never got on with adjusting side-pull brakes—but cycling is definitely about comfort, enjoyment and fun.Coming home. there’s all this hype about making everything easier and faster, about how we can eliminate all the work involved in the making of words and images. But no one arguing for this …
    163 words
  15. English Buildings, , more info

    Chipping Norton, Oxfordshire
    A last resort Taking some brisk urban exercise in Chipping Norton, I decided to walk up the gentle rise on the Banbury side of town, aiming for a building I’d often passed in the car, the attractive wooden cupola in my eye corner, but never paused to look at properly. If I tell you that the cupola tops an octagonal roof and that there are two further wings projecting from …
    By Philip Wilkinson, 488 words