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  1. Kansas City Painter Michael Schliefke, , more info

    September ’24 Studio Update
    The post September ’24 Studio Update appeared first on Schliefkevision - Paintings & Art Classes. Every so often, I end up taking the path less traveled, and all the dumb, stupid ideas that pop into my head end up as real life things I make. This month I made a bunch of new t-shirts and assorted ephemera, and it’s been a doozy. So here’s the fruits of my KC inspired… …
    By Michael Schliefke, 90 words
  2. Centauri Dreams, , more info

    Habitability around F-class Stars
    Some years back I read a science fiction story in which the planet where the action took place orbited an F-class star. That was sufficiently odd to get my attention, and I began to pay attention to these stars, which represent on the order of 3 percent of all stars in the galaxy. Stars like our G-class Sun weigh in at about 7 percent, while the vast majority of stars …
    938 words
  3. 20011, , more info

    Complaining Because They Won't
    Last month, the Sunday New York Times Book Review carried a piece by David Brooks on Tom Wolfe. This was part or all of an introduction Brooks wrote to a volume comprising Wolfe's pieces "Radical Chic" and "Mau-Mauing the Flak Catchers". Two weeks later, there were two letters about the piece, one praising Wolfe, and one putting in a good word for the Bernsteins. Nobody addressed what I thought the …
    By George, 578 words
  4. minor literature[s] – stuttering culture[s], , more info

    PARIS II: Sentient Paris — Maureen Alsop
    This series of texts, guest edited by Ben Libman, is being published in the run up to minor [i]ncident, a night of readings and discussion happening in Paris on October 12th, 2024. You can find more information about the event and its participants here. Maureen Alsop, Ph.D. is the author of a debut collection of fiction: Today Yesterday After My Death (Erratum Press, forthcoming); Arbor Vitae: Tender to Empress (visual …
    By @MinorLits, 193 words
  5. Tao of Mac, , more info

    LG adds ads to screensavers
    Good luck with that. My next TV might still be an LG (just because I usually like their hardware and price points), but like the current one, it will be blocked at my router from accessing the Internet (HomeKit still works, of course, and I use my Apple TV and NVIDIA SHIELD for media). But this is something the EU should really look into and regulate. The amount of data …
    By Rui Carmo, 254 words
  6. Handprinted – Blog, , more info

    Separating Your Colour Layers for CMYK Screen Printing
    CMYK screen printing is a great way of bringing both your photographic and coloured art images to life through colour separation. This is achieved by layering four colours (cyan, magenta, yellow, and black) on top of each other using only 4 screens. Photoshop plays a key role in this printing process and is essential if you want to create the artwork yourself. We're using Adobe Photoshop CS5. (Other software may …
    By Shirley Scott, 1,029 words
  7. Amit Merchant, , more info

    Disable console logs in production in Next.js
    Believe it or not, console logging things is still the most used debugging technique by developers. No matter how many advanced tools are available for debugging, logging in to the console still has a sweet spot among developers. And though, it’s pretty convenient to just dump things in the browser console, it can look sloppy if it ends up in your production. Next.js has a pretty handy configuration that you …
    By Amit Merchant, 152 words
  8., , more info

    Airtags for non Apple Users
    Pointless Exposition I’m not in the Apple ecosystem, but I was quite enthused about the announcement of the airtag and the FindMy network back in 2019. The private-by-design protocol / implementation looked great, especially compared to literally any other existing tracker. And the reporting network being more-or-less all iOS devices made sure that it would have a very large userbase to begin with. I wanted to use an airtag at …
    719 words
  9. Charles Harries - All Posts, , more info

    Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore
    Not a ton to review here. I don't generally knock books for being derivative—smart writers can do a lot of exciting things with established forms or narratives—but unfortunately, Robin Sloan doesn't. Maybe I'm not the target audience? I'm not sure what readers are meant to get out of this: the common fantasy tropes are so thinly veiled that even the protagonist makes repeated reference to them as they happen.Clay Jannon …
    333 words
  10. Distant Arcade, , more info

    TIL: The Legend of Zelda series used samples from 90s sample CDs
    We’ve heard plenty of beats sampling the Legend of Zelda (looking at you, Thoto_Leing) but I never considered it the other way around. In 2015, Andrew Martin wrote how Koji Kondo was inspired by 70s British rock but in the 90s and early 00s, there was another realm of music that Kondo dipped into for the Zelda soundtrack: sample CDs. Before the times of Splice and Tracklib, musicians would use …
    By lukealexdavis, 155 words
  11. von Explaino - Journal Page 1, , more info

    Copperheart Episode 60: The Copperheart
    The episode I'm one of the leads in has aired. Yay!
    16 words
  12. The Renaissance Mathematicus, , more info

    Galileo Galilei vs The Holy Roman Catholic Church – Round: 5555555555…………
    It appears to be Galileo vs The Church month in my corner of the Internet. It started a couple of weeks back Michael Jones of Inspiring Philosophy drew my attention to the fact that somebody, who calls himself Planet Peterson, had called me an ignoramus on his YouTube channel. He played a clip of me, during an interview with Tim O’Neill from History for Atheists, saying, correctly, that Galileo had …
    By thonyc, 2,283 words
  13. Clothes In Books, , more info

    Poor Dear Charlotte - rounding up Anabel Donald's books
    Poor Dear Charlotte by Anabel Donald published 1985 I very much enjoyed recently re-reading Anabel Donald’s Notting Hill mysteries: I had also read a couple of her straight novels in the past, but not this one. So I gave it a go. And what a strange book it is, and not one you would associate with the private eye stories of Alex Tanner. It is a book of two halves, …
    By Clothes In Books, 813 words
  14. ongoing by Tim Bray, , more info

    Old software joke: “After the apocalypse, all that’ll be left will be cockroaches, Keith Richards, and markup characters that have been escaped (or unescaped) one too many (or few) times.” I’m working on a programming problem where escaping is a major pain in the ass, specifically “\”. So, for reasons that seem good to me, I want to replace it. What with? The problem My Quamina project is all about …
    932 words
  15. What's new, , more info

    A pilot project in universal algebra to explore new ways to collaborate and use machine assistance?
    Traditionally, mathematics research projects are conducted by a small number (typically one to five) of expert mathematicians, each of which are familiar enough with all aspects of the project that they can verify each other’s contributions. It has been challenging to organize mathematical projects at larger scales, and particularly those that involve contributions from the general public, due to the need to verify all of the contributions; a single error …
    By Terence Tao, 2,451 words