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  1. kevin spencer, , more info

    The Cure
    Happy "new song by The Cure" day to all those who celebrate. This is like hearing from an old friend again after all these years. I can't wait for the album.
    By kevin, 33 words
  2. The Well-Appointed Desk, , more info

    Giveaway: Girologio Leather Zipper Pouch
    This week, we are giving away the Girologio Leather Zipper Pouch that we reviewed awhile back. This pouch was used for photo purposes only so its darn near brand new. We have just one to giveaway, just so you know. TO ENTER: Leave a comment below and let us know what you’ll store in this lovely pouch if you were to win it.. Play along and type in something. It …
    By Ana, 316 words
  3. Jan-Lukas Else, , more info

    On removing content
    I recently read this short post by Kev Quirk. It’s about removing content from the web. While Manuel Moreale is against deleting content from the web, Kev thinks he would probably delete things if he feels bad about them. Today, I implemented a feature on my blog that lets me easily set posts to unlisted or private with the press of a button, so only people with the link, or …
    180 words
  4. | my blog, , more info

    Getting Lost in UFO 50
    Everything is kinda shitty and stressful right now, so here's a little look at something that's neither. I wasn't allowed to have videogames when I was a kid, so I chose my friends based in part on who had a game system at home. Alan had an Atari and a pile of games. Geoff had an Apple II and Kareteka. A kid who moved out of town in third grade …
    748 words
  5. Talkapedia, , more info

    Three Interesting Things
    1. Teen Vogue talked to independent bookstore owners about their concerns about book bans, and the books they wish everyone would read instead of banning. 2. Approximately a third of former NFL players surveyed think they may be suffering from CTE. 3. A number of statues in London are getting baby slings (which honestly, why don't we decorate statues more) as folks push to get paternity leave recognized. In addition …
    By RandomRanter, 96 words
  6. BLAG (Better Letters Magazine), , more info

    Chain Letter: Guido de Boer
    'Chain Letter' invites a sign painter or lettering artist to share a piece of lettering that has influenced or inspired them, before passing the baton to someone else, in a never-ending chain.In the last one, Marie Pressmar nominated Guido de Boer, a visual artist and educator in Utrecht in the Netherlands who works freehand with brush and ink to create large, monumental installations.What have you selected?Published in the 1860s, Hector …
    By Better Letters, 385 words
  7. The Daily | Current | The Criterion Collection, , more info

    The Frontlines of Freedom: A Conversation with Rebecca Landsberry-Baker and Joe Peeler
    There’s a consistent element of the surreal in the everyday experiences of Native Americans. Whether regularly facing racially insensitive mascots at sporting events, moving through spaces that have Indigenous names but are absent of those languages’ original speakers, or being met with surprised reactions from strangers who realize they have never before met someone aboriginal in the land they call home, Indigenous people in the United States constantly navigate the …
    By Adam Piron, 1,939 words
  8. Retail Insider, , more info

    Breaking out of the legacy cycle
    Visiting a renowned brewery in Yorkshire recently involved a tour around its Victorian architecture and equipment that reminded me of the scenario facing many retailers in the UK in ensuring they are not hidebound by legacy infrastructure. Gavin Scoresby at Samuel Smith Brewery The impressive copper brewing vessels date back to the early nineteenth century and are evocative of the era but this comes with the downside that they are …
    By Glynn Davis, 646 words
  9. Quanta Magazine | Science and Math News, , more info

    What Can Cave Life Tell Us About Alien Ecosystems?
    Extremophiles, or microbes that live in the most seemingly hostile environments, are the darlings of astrobiologists, who study the potential for life beyond Earth. In this episode, co-host Janna Levin speaks with astrobiologist and cave explorer Penelope Boston about how life finds a way — and whether it might have found a way elsewhere in our solar system or around a distant star. The post What Can Cave Life Tell …
    By Janna Levin, 88 words
  10. Black Hand Inn, , more info

    Darkthrone - It Beckons Us All...
    Genre: Black/DoomCountry: NorwayYear: 20241. Howling Primitive Colonies2. Eon 33. Black Dawn Affiliation4. And In That Moment I Knew The Answer5. The Bird People Of Nordland6. The Heavy Hand7. The Lone Pines Of The Lost Planet 21st album by Darkthrone. The group once again utilizes their well-crafted black metal with a lot of heavy, speed and doom metal elements mixed in together, all of which flow through the heavy mid-tempo riffs …
    By Giak, 92 words
  11. The Pudding, , more info

    Batting by the Numbers
    The evolution of baseball's perfect lineup
    10 words
  12. Privacy News & Issues, , more info

    Damages in Social Media Lawsuits: Understanding the Psychological and Financial Effects of Social Media Harm
    Nick Oberheiden of Oberheiden P.C. writes: Social media harm is a significant concern for users of all ages. However, studies have identified particular mental health concerns among children and teens who use social media platforms, and social media companies are now facing social media addiction lawsuits across the country from families who are grappling with... The post Damages in Social Media Lawsuits: Understanding the Psychological and Financial Effects of Social …
    By Dissent, 91 words
  13. SOLARPUNKS, , more info

    Ready to assemble your very own kelp forest?
    montereybayaquarium:Just follow these easy steps:✅ Assemble kelp parts in cold, nutrient-rich water ✅ Add fish and invertebrates ✅ Add sea otters! 🦦✅ Watch your kelp forest thrive ⚠️Warning: Without sea otters, your kelp forest may end up with an urchin overload!ALTALTALTALTALTALTALT
    49 words
  14. Cogito, Ergo Sumana | Home, , more info

    Make Room for Big News
    We live in interesting times.A friend of mine was taking an online class yesterday, and big national news (President Biden deciding not to pursue re-election) interrupted that class. The news distracted everyone and shattered concentration.Sometimes …
    41 words
  15. The Toy Box Philosopher, , more info

    LUV Dolls by Far Out Toys
    Life has been even more hectic than usual for me these last few weeks, so my productivity has declined further. Sorry. I blame it mostly on the fact that I have eight foster animals in the house right now (yes, eight), and four of them are kittens with underdeveloped brains who make a huge mess and have to be hand-fed. They're really cute though. I've been stealing moments
    74 words