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Rachel the Gardener

Garden advice, encouragement and How To: plus Botany and Tree ID from a Professional, Artisan Gardener and Plantsmith.

  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

Squirrels Ate My Fruit Bags!
Last week I shared a picture of my chewed-upon watering can: ..showing the destructive power of squirrels. For those who have asked me why the squirrels were chewing my watering can handle, I have no …
On , by Rachel the Gardener, 87 words
Ivy Myths: No. 2 - “It will absorb water from the air”
Following on from my earlier article on getting ivy down from a wall, here's another myth about ivy:“If you sever the trunk at ground level, it won't die, because the upper leaves will catch water …
On , by Rachel the Gardener, 97 words
How do Honey Bees process poison?
Here's an interesting question:- Carol asked me (“Hi, Carol!”) about Aconites: why some had suddenly popped up in her garden, and whether the honey from them would be poisonous. Carol is talking about Aconitum, and …
On , by Rachel the Gardener, 129 words