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ploeh blog

Danish software design.

  • By Mark Seemann
  • Based in Denmark
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

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Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 3
Nov 2022 4
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Jan 2023 5
Feb 2023 4
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May 2023 5
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Jul 2023 5
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Oct 2023 5
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Dec 2023 4
Jan 2024 5
Feb 2024 4
Mar 2024 4
Apr 2024 5
May 2024 4
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Jul 2024 4

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Most recent posts

Three data architectures for the server
A comparison, for educational purposes. Use the right tool for the job. How often have you encountered that phrase when discussing software architecture? There's nothing wrong with the sentiment per se, but it's almost devoid …
On , by Mark Seemann, 1,223 words
The end of trust?
Software development in a globalized, hostile world. Imagine that you're perusing the thriller section in an airport book store and come across a book with the following back cover blurb: Programmers are dying. Holly-Ann Kerr …
On , by Mark Seemann, 2,145 words
Should interfaces be asynchronous?
Async and await are notorious for being contagious. Must all interfaces be Task-based, just in case? I recently came across this question on Mastodon: "To async or not to async? "How would you define a …
On , by Mark Seemann, 3,019 words