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Xe - Blog

Archmage of Infrastructure.

  • By Xe Iaso
  • Based in Canada
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 1
Nov 2022 7
Dec 2022 8
Jan 2023 9
Feb 2023 4
Mar 2023 10
Apr 2023 6
May 2023 3
Jun 2023 5
Jul 2023 7
Aug 2023 10
Sep 2023 5
Oct 2023 11
Nov 2023 6
Dec 2023 3
Jan 2024 11
Feb 2024 7
Mar 2024 7
Apr 2024 5
May 2024 8
Jun 2024 15
Jul 2024 8

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Flying home in the age of #CrowdStroke
<Cadey> This is copied from an article on X. Today I flew home via United. United is one of the airlines that is affected by #CrowdStroke. Luckily, I only had carry-on baggage, so the splash …
On , 1,059 words
Guerrilla event planning at larger conferences
This was a lightning talk at DevRelCon NYC 2024. Video Want to watch this in your video player of choice? Take this: Transcript <Cadey> This is spoken word. It is not written like I write …
On , 1,207 words
I am a professional conference speaker
A supercut of all of the times I failed at using the clicker or other technology during my talk at DevRelCon NYC. Enjoy! Want to watch this in your video player of choice? Take this: …
On , 45 words