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Far Outliers

Exploring migrants, exiles, expatriates, and out-of-the-way peoples, places, and times.

  • By Joel
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly four posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Nov 2022 7
Dec 2022 23
Jan 2023 18
Feb 2023 13
Mar 2023 23
Apr 2023 23
May 2023 10
Jun 2023 14
Jul 2023 21
Aug 2023 24
Sep 2023 13
Oct 2023 20
Nov 2023 6
Dec 2023 20
Jan 2024 21
Feb 2024 22
Mar 2024 20
Apr 2024 14
May 2024 20
Jun 2024 14
Jul 2024 15

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Hunger and Theft Under Khmer Rouge
From Prisoners of Class: A Historical Memoir of the Khmer Rouge Revolution, by Chan Samoeun, tr. by Matthew Madden (Mekong River Press, 2023), Kindle pp. 378-381: The Organization at the farm gives orders to stop …
On , by Joel, 923 words
Khmer Rouge vs. Religion
From Prisoners of Class: A Historical Memoir of the Khmer Rouge Revolution, by Chan Samoeun, tr. by Matthew Madden (Mekong River Press, 2023), Kindle pp. 411-412: Every aspect of faith—religion, neak ta [tutelary deities], ghosts, …
On , by Joel, 367 words
Khmer Rouge Division of Labor
From Prisoners of Class: A Historical Memoir of the Khmer Rouge Revolution, by Chan Samoeun, tr. by Matthew Madden (Mekong River Press, 2023), Kindle pp. 330-332: We may have finished our tasks at one worksite, …
On , by Joel, 463 words