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The blog, projects, and assorted output of Tom MacWright.

  • By Tom Macwright
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Jul 2022 3
Aug 2022 1
Sep 2022 4
Oct 2022 1
Nov 2022 2
Dec 2022 3
Jan 2023 3
Feb 2023 1
Mar 2023 2
Apr 2023 2
May 2023 0
Jun 2023 1
Jul 2023 1
Aug 2023 2
Sep 2023 3
Oct 2023 2
Nov 2023 3
Dec 2023 3
Jan 2024 2
Feb 2024 1
Mar 2024 2
Apr 2024 1
May 2024 1
Jun 2024 2
Jul 2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Obsidian Freeform
Prefer video? You can also watch an intro video that I recorded for this on YouTube. Obsidian Freeform is an extremely small Obsidian plugin that enables totally custom JavaScript-powered frames alongside your notes. I created …
On , by Tom MacWright, 1,468 words
If you’re reading this on, you might have noticed that the website got a very slight upgrade this month. I’ve been publishing a lot of content in the /micro/ section, and I update my …
On , by Tom MacWright, 1,591 words
Hello from sunny Brooklyn, where it’s suddenly summer. What’s new? Over at the Val Town Blog, I wrote about how searching source code is a pretty hard problem. It was pretty well-received: I confirmed that …
On , by Tom MacWright, 513 words