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Hermitary – hermit's thatch

journal of reflections by the resident of the Hermitary.

  • By Robert Rodriguez
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly 11 posts per year
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

Insects, wisdom, poets
We often ascribe personality and character traits to animals: courage to lions, wisdom to owls, cheerfulness to beavers, for example. Simon & Garfunkel’s popular 1967 song “At the Zoo” offers a clever rendering: “The monkeys …
On , 371 words
Bassui’s Zen and Eremitism
A characteristic of institutional religions, east and west, is consolidation of scripture and doctrine into ritual. This is especially conspicuous for Westerners seeing the evolution of Christianity into a set of founding narratives followed by …
On , 578 words
The ancient Chinese Taoists originated a singular form of non-communal life. As noted in the Encyclopedia of Taoism, “eremitism was rarely a permanent way of life for practicing Taoists, and that after completing a period …
On , 726 words