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Blogs about Ireland

2 blogs about Ireland.

  1. The Irish Economy
    Commentary, information, and intelligent discourse about the Irish economy. 🇮🇪 More info

    IEA 2024 Conference Programme
    The 37th Annual Irish Economic Association Conference will take place at the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Galway from Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th May 2024. The keynote speakers are Prof. Costas Meghir, Douglas A. Warner …
    By John Cullinan, 107 words
  2. Slugger O'Toole
    Conversation, politics and stray insights. By Mick Fealty, David McCann, Brian Walker, et al. 🇬🇧 More info

    Behind the pleasing image of the Smiling Sisters, fears of a reversion to familiar bad habits. They mustn’t get away with it this time.
    My there’s a lot going on isn’t there? Even the biggest nutter for local politics wouldn’t claim our affairs are dominating consciousness. Just the moment then for the Executive to exploit the holidays and the …
    By Brian Walker, 1,076 words