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Blogs about Psychogeography

7 blogs about Psychogeography.

  1. The LRM - The Loiterers Resistance Movement | Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    July 2024 First Sunday
    Dear friends, loiterers and lovers of drifting It’s First Sunday, this Sunday and time for change…. I’m delighted we have a guest loiterer facilitating our wanders this month. I met Bella through the excellent Narrow …
    409 words
  2. lukebennett13
    Tracing the spectacular within the humdrum of the built environment. By Luke Bennett. 🇬🇧 More info

    Rights for Rivers – Call for Papers – Journal of Property, Planning & Environmental Law
    “Claiming personhood for non-persons is, accordingly, more than probing and stretching the boundaries of traditional legal categories. It is a continuation of the disruption of the marginalising fictions of law itself. The question is, if …
    By lukebennett13, 761 words
  3. Particulations
    A psychogeography and cultural theory blog. By Tina Richardson. 🇬🇧 More info

    The Problem With...THE FETISH!
    This zine is for anyone interested in 'love tokens', both historic and contemporary, and capital as theoretical subjects. The author uses key cultural studies critique from political and psychoanalytical theories in order to analyse and …
    By Particulations, 161 words
  4. Perambulatory Ramblings
    The Psychogeographic meanderings of Mr H in London, Cambridge and elsewhere. 🇬🇧 More info

    Elizabeth Way Roundabout: Brutality on the Eastern Gate
    At the fag end of 2023 the current Housing Secretary, Michael Gove, announced the formation of a new Development Corporation to oversee the expansion of Cambridge and the building of 'northwards' of 150,000 homes. This …
    By Mr H, 5,313 words
  5. Psychogeographic Review
    The Art of Psychogeography. 🇬🇧 More info

    Muntjac by Clevelode
    Music Review – July 2024 Although I left this place, part of me remains (this is) very much musical psychogeography ~ Paul Newland I have fond memories of The Lowland Hundred. They provided me with …
    By Bobby Seal, 321 words
  6. Situationniste Blog
    A Situationist Book Collector's Blog. 🇺🇸 More info

    Une Saison avec Marianne / A Season with Marianne [2022/2024]
    SEGURA, Alain. Une saison avec Marianne: la dernière surréaliste. Bassac: Plein chant (coll. « La font secrète »), 2022 SEGURA, Alain. A Season with Marianne: The Last Surrealist. Trans. Bill Brown. Brooklyn: Common Notions, Dec. …
    By elhajoui, 187 words
  7. the urban prehistorian
    the contemporary archaeology of prehistory. 🇬🇧 More info

    Arctic henge
    Thanks to the diligent and hard work of Clonehenge, we have a really good understanding of Stonehenge replicas and pastiches from across the world. There are a surprisingly large number of these, over 100 (!!), …
    By balfarg, 2,141 words