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Blogs about VR, AR and virtual worlds

4 blogs about VR, AR and virtual worlds.

  1. The Creation Engine No. 2
    By Jim Purbrick. 🇬🇧 More info

    After The Spirit of Gravity in February I ended up talking to Jason Hotchkiss and Jo Summers. I knew Jason from a Build Brighton guitar pedal workshop years ago and as a sound artist from …
    By Jim Purbrick, 52 words
  2. Gwyneth Llewelyn's essays on Second Life®
    My blog about virtual worlds, online communities, artificial intelligence, crowd simulation, law and ethics in online spaces. More info

    Second Life Twentieth Birthday
    Congratulations, Second Life®, for achieving two decades of continuous existence!
    By Gwyneth Llewelyn, 14 words
  3. New World Notes
    The Internet's longest-running metaverse news and culture site. From Wagner James Au, author of "The Making of Second Life". 🇺🇸 More info

    SL Fashion Friday: Iconoclastic Looks from Flickr Blogger Bayberry Lilliehook
    Cajsa Lilliehook covers the best in virtual world screenshot art and digital painting SL style Flickr blogger Bayberry Lilliehook (no relation) was recently suggested by the inimitable Gross Rizzo whom I wrote about last year. …
    By SLHamlet, 541 words
  4. Raph's Website
    Raph Koster's personal website: MMOs, gaming, writing, art, music, books. 🇺🇸 More info

    SR Pillars three: the vibe!
    The third post in the series on the game pillars for Stars Reach is up. This one is all about the vibe of the world, and the thematic goals for the game… and how those …
    By Raph Koster, 495 words