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  1. matt's pictures, , more info

    driftwood retreat 2024
    I had a teacher in high school who’s biggest pet peeve was the phrase ‘first annual’, because, she said, if it was the first, then there was no way for it to be annual. An annual event, in her mind, was something that happened over and over again, every year. So first annual was something of an oxymoron. That said, I’m not sure she was right. It’s not wrong to …
    359 words
  2. Notes on engineering leadership | Kellan Elliott-McCrea, , more info

    Briefly: Anonymous Questions
    As leadership, Q+A serves several important functions. The first, obviously, is to answer questions people have. No matter how well we communicate (and let’s be honest, how well do we really communicate?) there will always be questions that haven’t been addressed. Often there are questions you never even imagined. Q+A is an escape hatch as a leader for not being perfect. The second is to cultivate a culture of engagement. …
    760 words
  3. Coppola Comment, , more info

    The myths that refuse to die
    In my last post, I debunked the myth of the "reserve pool" of British workers. In this post, I discuss three more labour force myths that refuse to die: the myth of the "tide of unskilled immigration"the myth of the falling participation rate, and the myth of the "workless yoof". There's also an update about my charity walk in the Lake District last Saturday, and a couple of pics. Read …
    By Frances Coppola, 79 words
  4. Peter King's Football Morning In America - ProFootballTalk, , more info

    Peter King's 2024 Father's Day Book List (and a dash of FMIA)
    For the reading enthusiasts and father figures in your life.
    22 words
  5., , more info

    Less: a Survival Guide
    I noticed recently that I was having trouble moving around in less. I could arrow up and down, but that took a lot of work. I could hit space to go a whole screen down, but unlike in a web browser, shift-space also scrolls down. How could I scroll up a screen? On some terminals, Page Up and Page Down work, but not in others. It's a confusing mess. So, …
    567 words
  6. Plenge Gen @rplenge, , more info

    Sequential immunotherapy for functional cures in autoimmunity
    Disclaimer: I am a full-time employee of Bristol Myers Squibb. When I practiced clinical rheumatology, I would often see patients with autoimmune conditions like systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), or myositis. A typical patient journey included an initial sense of relief when a diagnosis was established and a medicine was started. Inevitably, however, there was a sense of dread when a patient would ask: “When …
    By Robert Plenge, 220 words
  7. I Hit The Button - Travel Blog, , more info

    Solar Eclipse 2024 Photos: My Experience & Photography Tips
    Photographing a total solar eclipse is a special experience. On April 8, 2024, my friend Kevin and I set out to capture the eclipse from Perryville Regional Airport in Missouri. This was my second time seeing a total solar eclipse, and it was even better than I expected. Previously I had been in North Carolina and only saw a sliver of the sky from the woods. For this experience since …
    By Andy Feliciotti, 734 words
  8. doubleloop, , more info

    Read / Listened: Taming Big Techification? The European Digital Markets Act Digital Markets Act The EU has no homegrown Big Tech companies of its own
    By Neil Mather, 26 words
  9. Yasha Solutions, , more info

    Who are the main Cloud AI services?
    Several major technology companies provide cloud AI services, offering a range of tools and platforms for developing, deploying, and managing AI applications. Here are some of the most popular vendors of cloud AI.
    40 words
  10. – Recent Posts, , more info

    Adding Google Web search to Firefox
    Adding Google Web search to FirefoxRecently I read this blog post which highlights some bad practices by Google and also provides a way to make the new web search results tab the default search provider for Vivaldi browser.In that post, the author lists some fixes for other browsers. In this post I'm gonna show another way to fix it for Firefox, a solution that doesn't rely on external websites or …
    By Andre Alves Garzia, 291 words
  11. The Canadian African, , more info

    Northern Ghana Itinerary
    I spent the best 5 weeks of my life solo traveling across Ghana to learn about Ghanaian food, culture and history. In this post, I will give a detailed breakdown of my trip to Ghana, focusing on northern Ghana (Northern Region, Savannah Region, Upper East Region). I will be including transport, accommodation and activities at each location with details about guides and everything I did to have a fantastic time …
    By thecanadianafrican, 1,562 words
  12. Joseph A. McCullough, , more info

    Deathship One – Now Available!
    My new (mini) miniatures game Deathship One, is now available as a PDF or print-on-demand through In this solo or co-operative game, you play a squad of soldiers that has been pulled out of time and dumped into an alien deathtrap. So, whether you are … Continue reading →
    By Joseph A McCullough, 55 words
  13. cherrylkd, , more info

    Death of a Sporting Hero
    Yesterday (June 2nd 2024) we lost one of our great sporting heroes. Of course I’m talking about Rob Burrow CBE who played scrum-half for Leeds Rhinos. He was the tender age of 41. He lost his life to Motor Neurone Disease, a cruel and devastating disease affecting up to 5000 adults in the UK at any one time. Rob fought an incredible battle with MND right up to the end. …
    By cherrylkd, 546 words
  14., , more info

    Some notes on freedom of speech
    Some notes on freedom of speech TL; DR – To unlock the promise of freedom of speech, we need to pair it with the duty to be constructive. Without thoughtfulness, we have a less free, less flourishing life and world. Freedom of speech has been on my mind recently for two reasons. In Sweden and Denmark last year, people burnt copies of the Holy Qu’ran. The most prominent Qu’ran burning …
    By asadqct, 985 words
  15. Andy Trattner, , more info

    Based in SingaporeOr more accurately, wherever the intersection of my girlfriend & tourist visa requirements are. She's from here and likely staying until ~August 2025. Singapore is amazing, modern, hot. Good food abounds. Local language is English. I can do 90-day stints, possibly with a month in Malaysia between, still figuring that part out.My sister introduced us. They were besties in SF for the last couple years. We began dating …
    By Andy Trattner, 517 words