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  1. City Monitor, , more info

    Challenges and responses: Economic downturn’s influence on urban policy, planning, and transportation
    The post Challenges and responses: Economic downturn’s influence on urban policy, planning, and transportation appeared first on CityMonitor.
    By Aninda Chakraborty, 30 words
  2. Jeremy Baker, , more info

    2024-07-26 22:38
    Eating Lima July 2024 crew: Bill, Linda, Rodrigo, Janice, Catherine, Jonny, Sue and Scott
    14 words
  3. BLAKE GOPNIK on art, , more info

    THE FRIDAY PIC is an installation shot from “Amerika,” the wonderful new projection by Javier Téllez…
    THE FRIDAY PIC is an installation shot from “Amerika,” the wonderful new projection by Javier Téllez at the Center for Art, Research and Alliances, a two-year-old space in Greenwich Village in New York. In today’s New York Times, I published a long feature explaining the genesis of the piece, for which Téllez hired eight recent migrants from Venezuela to collaborate with him on a Charlie Chaplin-inspired film, as both its …
    216 words
  4. Jonathan Griffin, , more info

    Creative Growth
    In 1974, Florence Ludins-Katz and Elias Katz — she an artist, he a psychologist — turned the garage of their Berkeley home into an art studio for adults with developmental disabilities. Across California at that time, people with a range of disabilities were being deinstitutionalized, with little provision made for them after their release. The […]
    By Jonathan Griffin, 58 words
  5. This Space, , more info

    The end of literature, part five
    "Stupid" and "a marketing exercise" were the first two descriptions I saw of the New York Times' 100 Best Books of the 21st Century polled from hundreds of "literary luminaries" offering ten choices each, and while it is both of those things, "parochial" is the first word that comes to this non-American mind, and not only in the predominance of books written by Americans. The word also applies to "best", …
    By Stephen Mitchelmore, 1,194 words
  6. Learn Lead Grow, , more info

    Create an Interactive Math Calculator Using Claude AI
    Did you know that you can use AI for more than just looking up information? I experimented with using Claude AI to generate an interactive math activity out of HTML, where students could input variables to determine the area of triangles, rectangles, and circles.Claude generated code and suggestions in just a few seconds! The model offered students a visual aid, clear instructions to help them calculate the area, and a …
    By Matt Bergman, 159 words
  7. Slatians hideout on the Web |, , more info

    Templating Zoo
    What is Templating? Templating in the sense of this articlee is when there is a text with placeholders that get filled in according to some set of rules (the templating language). Using templating is often easier than hardcoding some string assembly logic, it also has the benefit that the template could be read in from a configuration file. In case you've ended up here because you have some sample templating …
    By Slatian, 676 words
  8. the next wave, , more info

    Keeping students in school, instead of failing them
    I was at a meeting at Mansion House in London earlier this month organised by New Capital Consensus, which is a research group looking at how “to identify the behavioural, political and regulatory levers necessary to release billions of pounds of private, long-term investment capital to green the UK economy and tackle structural inequalities.“ I’ll come back to this macro economic question on the blog later, but one of the …
    By thenextwavefutures, 1,199 words
  9. A Pilgrim in Narnia, , more info

    A Mailbox Note on Mark Noll’s C.S. Lewis in America (2023)
    The book "C.S. Lewis in America: Readings and Receptions, 1935-1947" by Mark Noll explores how American scholars and critics received and reviewed C.S. Lewis's work. The author delves into the reception of Lewis's books by different religious and intellectual communities, shedding light on their responses and influence. Noll's work provides valuable insights for researchers and readers of Lewis's thought. Continue reading → The post A Mailbox Note on Mark Noll’s …
    By Brenton Dickieson, 93 words
  10. Sara Joy, , more info

    Weaknote 2024-07-25 (a tab amnesty)
    A weak note
    8 words
  11. MixedMath: Blog, , more info

    A note on sums over primes
    This post is larger than 10000 bytes, which is above the limit for this RSS feed. Perhaps it is long or has embedded images or code. Please view it directly at the url.
    By David Lowry-Duda, 39 words
  12. Mr. Money Mustache, , more info

    $656,000 of Frugal Things I Still Love Doing
    – “I used to read Mr. Money Mustache”, some people say these days, “Until he got all rich and fancy so that he no longer understands the common person’s plight. Stash probably doesn’t even practice any of these money-saving things he preaches any more!” When I read things like this, I can’t help but laugh. Because on the one hand, when you put a bunch of personal life details online …
    By Mr. Money Mustache, 2,308 words
  13. LOW←TECH MAGAZINE, , more info

    Thematic Book Series: How Circular is the Circular Economy?
    Image: Book cover. Buy the print edition. Buy the epub edition. The circular economy – the newest magical word in the sustainable development vocabulary – promises economic growth without environmental destruction or waste. However, growth makes a circular economy impossible, even if we recycle all raw materials and all recycling is 100% efficient. No technology can change that because it’s not a technological problem. In addition, many modern products are …
    274 words
  14. Martin Truefitt-Baker | Blog, , more info

    Making the Magpie Silver reduction linocut
    One for sorrow Two for joy Three for a girl and Four for a boy Five for silver Six for gold Seven for a secret never told Eight's a wish and Nine a kiss, Ten is a bird, You must not miss. There are many versions of this very old rhyme but I've never come across a version that varies much before eight. Some have up to 20 birds... I …
    By Martin Truefitt-Baker, Art, 707 words
  15. James Russell, , more info

    Exhibition catalogue published by PWP/Bloomsbury, design by Lucy Morton I've been fascinated by Tirzah Garwood (1908-51) ever since I began researching her first husband Eric Ravilious (1903-42). The works I saw here and there seemed dark and strange, not at all like his and not really like anyone else's either. As a writer, her voice runs through the Ravilious in Pictures series I wrote for the Mainstone Press between 2009 …
    By James Russell, 275 words