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  1. Lady Eve's Reel Life, , more info

    Eternally Marilyn
    photo by Milton GreeneLike so many summer days in Los Angeles, this one began as a balmy and sunlit morning. It would grow warmer and sunnier, but the languid summertime mood was shattered by news of a shocking event in one of the city’s most elite enclaves. It was Sunday, August 5, 1962, the day Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her West Los Angeles home, an empty pill bottle …
    By The Lady Eve, 978 words
  2. FURROWED MIDDLEBROW, , more info

    Happy Release Day for FM97!
    The long-awaited day has arrived! It's been a while since we've had a Release Day celebration for a new Furrowed Middlebrow title, but as of today Eleanor Farjeon's delightful Miss Granby's Secret is officially out in the world, and doesn't it look lovely added to my shelf?Thank you to all who pre-ordered. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
    By Furrowed Middlebrow, 65 words
  3. Smithery – Blog, , more info

    What is 1+1? Bot defence for beginners.
    I had a call this morning from a mystery number, with a voice purporting to be “Sarah Wilson from the Housing Repair Team”. It was obviously a bot, and as always a simple tangential question throws the limited and archaic technology they are deploying (e.g. ask a question like “What’s 1+1?” and listen to the gears grinding as it struggles to reroute. Three thoughts occur to me though. Firstly, much …
    By John V Willshire, 232 words
  4. Jean Snow [.net] – Blogging since 1998, , more info

    Like it’s 1984
    I just finished my 1984 movie marathon (following 1967, 1968, 1977, 1978, 1980, 1981, 1982, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, and 1993), and it does feel like the proper end of something. The first of these year-based movie marathons I’ve been doing was for movies from the year 1985, that I did in 2017, and I’ve now completed the 80s — after I finished 1989, on …
    By Jean Snow, 358 words
  5. zmh, , more info

    Installing on a 2018 Mazda CX-5
    I recently ordered a kit to add semi-autonomous driving capabilities to my 2018 Mazda CX-5. It took some trial and error (and help from the community on Discord) to get it working properly, but I highly recommend it as I’ll explain later. I’m sharing the steps I took in case it’s helpful for others looking to install the Comma 3X on the same or a similar vehicle. It’s …
    988 words
  6. Geotripper, , more info

    Part 2: The Limestone Caves of Hawai'i - The Catastrophes at Makauwahi Cave
    Makauwahi Cave and Sinkhole as it is todayI learned to my great surprise that Hawai'i has a few (very few, really) limestone caves. In part one I talked about the odd origin of Makauwahi Cave on the island of Kauai. In that post we learned that the limestone formed from limestone sand dunes that formed near Poipo Beach. The sand was lithified (glued together), and fresh water dissolved the limestone, …
    By Garry Hayes, 1,305 words
  7. Loretta Chase, , more info

    "A Duke in Shining Armor" eBook on sale for $1.99
    The eBook edition of the first Difficult Dukes book, A Duke in Shining Armor, is available for a short time for $1.99. Sometimes these deals go on for weeks. Sometimes it’s only a few days. This came up on Bookperk, a HarperCollins daily newsletter.* You might want to subscribe, to get daily news about deals, new books, giveaways, etc. For instance, if you, like me, are a Terry Pratchett fan, …
    By Loretta Chase, 123 words
  8. Critical Distance, , more info

    August 4th
    Welcome back readers. It was very painful this week to hear of Game Informer’s sudden shuttering, layoff-ing, and off-lining, as such a long-running publication that has continued to publish good work for nearly as long as I have been alive. These folks deserve far greater dignity than an unceremonious blindside by their parent company. It feels timely yet also evergreen to remind folks that independent games crit–not subject to the …
    By Chris Lawrence, 990 words
  9. Pylon of the Month, , more info

    Pylon of the Month - August 2024
    August's pylon comes from France and was sent by a fan of the blog. who tells me it is to be found near Gargilesse Dampierre. A bit of research tells me that Gargilesse Dampierre is officially one of the most beautiful villages in France so that promotes this pylon to near the top of my 'must visit' list especially as it is also quite close to the Eguzon dam and …
    By Kevin Mosedale, 319 words
  10. NetNewsWire, , more info

    Conditional GET Issues
    On his blog, Brent writes about NetNewsWire and Conditional GET issues.
    14 words
  11. /dev/lawyer, , more info

    Negotiating Bastardry
  12. upside down in cloud, , more info

    new tea towels of the Wiltshire White Horses and the Kennet and Avon Canal map
    I've just picked up the new tea towels. There's this one of the Wiltshire white horses, and a map of the Kennet and Avon canal, like this I'm very pleased with the quality of the printing; all the fine details are there, clear as you like. (The images here are low-res, because I'm out in the wilds of the Vale of Pewsey at the moment, and the internet is rubbish.)They're …
    By Dru Marland, 98 words
  13. inessential: weblog, , more info

    NetNewsWire and Conditional GET Issues
    I had thought that NetNewsWire’s conditional GET support was rock-solid — and so my first reaction was to be very surprised to learn that it’s not! My second reaction was to be appreciative — Rachel’s work here on setting up a test server and reporting on the results is really great. My goal has always been to make NetNewsWire a model net citizen, and learning where it’s not is super …
    945 words
  14. The Ranty Highwayman, , more info

    A Tale Of Two Roundabouts
    This post comes from London where two roundabouts have been redesigned to add protected cycling space.The first is the Old Street junction which is right on the border of the boroughs of Hackney and Islington, but part of the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN) and is so a strategic road for motor traffic.The overall design for the roundabout was "peninsularisation" whereby one of the areas between two of the …
    By The Ranty Highwayman, 1,358 words
  15. The Lithole, , more info

    Hits from the Zettlekasten/”Tampa”
    I wrote a bit about the war of the zettlekasten as my last entry, and have been keeping two separate ones; one is a set of notes on Philosophy, thus far really just notes and nodes as I read Bertrand Russell, and another which is for… life stuff, the novel I am perpetually not writing, and so forth, It’s new, and filled with strange observations, one chapter from the novel, …
    By toddbert, 902 words