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  1. Up and Down These Mean Streets, , more info

    Rediscovered: Another Green Something Breathing
    Remember when bookseller and collector Paul Dobish discovered that the Stanley McNail poetry collection Something Breathing was bound in two variants of green cloth? “Until recently,” Paul tells me, “all of the copies of the Arkham House first edition that I had handled were in either of two green bindings. “I just acquired — because it had a review slip with it — a copy in a third green binding. …
    By Don, 283 words
  2. Guy Tal | Photographer, Author, , more info

    Be Extraordinary: EBook Now Available!
    My new book, Be Extraordinary: Philosophical Advice for Photographic and Other Artists is now available for purchase and immediate download. (Note that you may also purchase the book from ebook sellers, such as Amazon, Google, or Apple Books. However, if you purchase the ebook directly from my website, you will receive both an EPUB version to use with your e-reader, and a PDF version with high-resolution images, formatted to match …
    By Guy Tal, 526 words
  3. D4D, , more info

    Still Alive
    Still alive – still feeling ropy, although at least all the chest infections and so on have cleared up. I’ve still been left with a cough that’s just hanging around the back of my throat, and which causes the coughing up of lumpy green – not from the lungs, thankfully, but it’s still fairly grim. It is easing – although the most recent course of medication has done absolutely sod-all …
    By Lyle, 152 words
  4. Javier's computer, , more info

    Javier krähe
    Tu navegador no soporta video HTML5. Berlín. Comentar este post · Me gusta
    15 words
  5. Spooky Rusty, , more info

    The Fiendish Plot of Dr. Smogg
    Dr. Smogg is a rich bitch industrialist who made his fortune in heavy manufacturing. Still, his methods are wasteful and produce many toxic by-products, which he disposes of in environmentally irresponsible ways. His next scheme is to pump massive amounts of toxic smog into the atmosphere from the smokestacks of his factory. Once airborne, the pollution will condense into solid waste particles and rain down upon the unsuspecting countryside. Fortunately, …
    By ᶘ ᵒ㉨ᵒᶅ Rusty James, 127 words
  6. We Hunted The Mammoth, , more info

    Women is stinky. Oatmeal feel good in tummy: The terrible dating advice of Casey Zander
    Dating coach, oatmeal lover, and raging misogynist: Casey Zander is all three. Actually, it’s not clear he’s a dating coach exactly, as his alleged wisdom on the woman question is so bleak and hateful that he may be driving young men away from the dating scene instead of providing them a reliable guide to it. Come for Casey’s “Oatmeal Story,” stay for his toxic advice. Bonus Quest: See if you …
    By David Futrelle, 103 words
  7. Babak Fakhamzadeh, , more info

    Three book launches, three Dutchies
    Only four years late, my long-time friend Joost visited me in Brazil over the last few weeks, coming over with wife Neha and their daughter. They had wanted to visit in 2020, but what is now the distant memory of COVID put a stop to that. Now, they were visiting for some three weeks, to enjoy the cultural riches of São Paulo, Foz de Iguaçu, Rio de Janeiro, and Paraty. …
    By Babak Fakhamzadeh, 427 words
  8. Russell Davies, , more info

    Very Meet, right, and our bounden duty
    At the end of September I'm doing a talk about PowerPoint for the members of a fancy club. Not quite sure why. To keep my eye in, mostly. But since I've got to put the talk together anyway it seems a shame not to share it with more people, so I thought I'd try an online version for all y'all. It's going to be at 7PM (UK time) on October …
    By russell davies, 106 words
  9. Screen Action Jazz, , more info

    Fallen Angels and a wayward Fugitive
    I covered Showtime’s marvelous film noir series, Fallen Angels, in my second volume. This anthology show delivered six episodes in the summer of 1993, followed by another nine in the autumn of 1995. Each playlet was adapted from a story by a famed noir author, and was blessed with a phenomenal attention to detail appropriate to post-World War II Los Angeles: a heavily stylized depiction of the city populated by …
    By Derrick Bang, 1,375 words
  10. Not a Novelist (Yet), , more info

    Aural History
    Usually down the years with this blog, I have tended to write about exciting developments in my writing career as soon as possible. Partly to show off about them, of course! But also because I enjoy having this blog as a record. I do have a private diary as well, in which I write about what goes on in my life purely for my own personal posterity and interest to …
    By Paul Hayes, 569 words
  11. Weblog archive, , more info

    There can't be only one
    There’s a concept that I’ve heard called by a lot of different names, but my favorite name for it is “the Highlander problem”, which refers to the catchphrase of the campy-yet-still-quite-fun Highlander movie/TV franchise. In Highlander, immortal beings secretly live amongst us and sword-fight each other in hopes of being the last one standing, who will then get to rule the world forever. And when one of them is about …
    By James Bennett, 82 words
  12. Publishing ... and Other Forms of Insanity, , more info

    98 Calls for Submissions in September 2024 - Paying markets
    This September there are more than eight dozen calls for submissions. All of these are paying markets, and none charge submission fees. As always, every genre, style, and form is wanted, from short stories to poetry to essays.I post upcoming calls for submissions shortly before the first day of every month. But as I am collecting them, I post them on my page, Calls for Submissions. You can get a …
    By Erica Verrillo, 3,115 words
  13. lukebennett13, , more info

    “Education” – the fourth session in Sheffield Hallam University Space & Place Group’s online series on ‘Perceiving Climate Change’, 7 November 2024, 7-9.30pm
    “And what is the point of learning facts within the school system when the most important facts given by the finest science of that same school system clearly mean nothing to our politicians and society?” Greta Thunberg (2019) No One Is Too Small To Make A Difference, Penguin: Harmondsworth (p. 12) In our final session in our 2024 series focussed upon considering how we humans can notice the subtle but …
    By lukebennett13, 875 words
  14. David Darnes, , more info

    A Desk of Stickers
    I've been collecting the stickers since the beginning of my career, from events such as Gavin Strange's Droplet launch 💧, the Future Of Web Design conference, Netlify's Jamstack Conf, plus all the companies and people I've had the privilege to work with.However, the tabletop itself is from my first flat after moving out of my mum's house… actually, I lied. It was in my first flat, alongside an inflatable bed, …
    By David Darnes, 177 words
  15. Andy Bell | Blog, , more info

    Just use fucking paper, man
    I’ve tried Notion, Obsidian, Things, Apple Reminders, Apple Notes, Jotter and endless other tools to keep me organised and sure, Notion has stuck around the most because we use it for client stuff, but for todo lists, all of the above are way too complicated. I’ve given up this week and gone back to paper and a pencil and I feel unbelievably organised and flexible, day-to-day. It’s because it’s simple. …
    116 words