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  1. The Boston Diaries - Captain Napalm, , more info

    This could maybe explain some of the emails I received, but not all of them
    I received some responses to yesterday's post. The first was from Lionel Dricot who reported that he, too, has received emails for other Lionel Dricot's that lived near him. He also stated that it may be a bug in Gmail where one person can register “[email protected]”; someone else could register “[email protected]” but when receiving emails, Gmail condenses the two addresses into one. That's possible, but I would suspect that would …
    330 words
  2., , more info

    Paternity Leave: Month 1
    Highlights My wife and I became parents. I realized that caring for a newborn takes more time than I expected. I’m unsure what to do with my partially-finished Hacker News course. Goal Grades At the start of each month, I declare what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s how I did against those goals: Finish recording my course Result: Baby arrived early, and I only recorded 20% of the material. Grade: …
    102 words
  3. Free-Range Kids, , more info

    I’m a Child Psychologist: Kids Need More Play!
    Child psychologist Tovah Klein visited the special schools in China where kids are given a vast amount of time and space for free play. What she saw blew her away. The kids seemed so much more creative, competent, and curious than the kids she saw here. So today’s wisdom comes from her new book, “Raising Resilience: How to Help Our Children Thrive in Times of Uncertainty.” (With a foreword by …
    By lskenazy, 768 words
  4. Chicago Skirmish Wargames, , more info

    AAR- Mordheim Campaign Night 4
    The Mordheim campaign chugs along with lots more action. Here's the Report from July 22nd. We were graced with the presence of a guest player this evening, "Kid Kyoto" (a friend from Dakka Dakka) visiting us by way of India- Really nice guy who shares a lot of our gaming interests. I hope he stops in again next time he's in town. He controlled the Ogres in the following battle …
    By Karl Paulsen, 417 words
  5. Frog in a Well, , more info

    Yellow Peril!
    For those of you who don’t follow American politics, the immigrant scourge is back. This time it is Haitian immigrants eating your pets which has gone from a crazy internet meme to the Republican candidate for Vice-President pushing it in his speeches. That actually is, I think, sort of new, in that this used to be more of a whispering campaign type of thing. Well, it was is the U.S. …
    By Alan Baumler, 570 words
  6. in lieu of a field guide, , more info

    Prefiguration of a madness unforeseen
    Does he know what his sentence is?” “No,” the officer said, wanting to continue with his explanations, but the traveler interrupted him: “He does not know his own sentence?” “No,” the officer repeated, pausing briefly as if to insist that the traveler should give a more specific reason for his question, and then said: “There would be no point in announcing it to him … He will come to
    By Rise, 74 words
  7. Andrea Grandi, , more info

    My User Manual
    This is my user manual. If we are working together (or planning to), please read it carefully. You will learn how to deal with me productively and avoid misunderstandings. I initially wrote this for my current colleagues, but I thought it could be a good idea to make it public for everyone else I daily interact with. My style I need to understand why I’m doing something I love working …
    315 words
  8. thoughts dot hnr dot fyi, , more info

    In which I internalise that I'll never step in the same river twice
    Everything changes. Some things feel certain until they’re ripped out from under you, and you realise you’ve been building towards something you don’t even want any more. The only constant in life is change. I find a lot of comfort in this phrase, especially when everything feels like it’s up in the air. Right now, it feels like all there is is air. Everything is different, this side of things. …
    693 words
  9. Valhalla's Things, , more info

    Two Linen Hoods
    Posted on September 11, 2024 Tags: madeof:atoms, craft:sewing, FreeSoftWear I’ve been influenced again into feeling the need for a garment. It was again a case of multiple sources conspiring in the same direction for unrelated reasons, but I decided I absolutely needed a linen hood, made from the heavy white linen I knew I had in my stash. Why? I don’t know. I do like the feeling of wearing a …
    434 words
  10. Bitter Tea and Mystery, , more info

    Short Story Wednesday: Stories from Fire Watch by Connie Willis
    Back in August 2022, I read the novelette, "Fire Watch," by Connie Willis. It was published in a collection with the same title, and was part of the same universe as Willis's Oxford Time Travel series: Doomsday Book (1992), To Say Nothing of the Dog (1995), Blackout (2010), and All Clear (2010). I liked "Fire Watch" a lot but I did think that it might not be too clear if …
    By TracyK, 433 words
  11. James Warrick, , more info

    Decisions: One-way and two-way doors
    In his 2015 shareholder letter, Jeff Bezos talks about two types of decisions - those that are best represented as one-way doors, and those that are more like two-way doors.This thought process about how reversible a decision is applies anywhere in business, and it's no different when it comes to software development.Bezos describes the difference himself quite succinctly in that shareholder letter: Some decisions are consequential and irreversible or nearly …
    By James Warrick, 1,646 words
  12. | my blog, , more info

    Living History
    "So that story sounds like bullshit." I remember saying that to Akilah Hughes early in our first production meeting about the podcast that would become Rebel Spirit, which launched last week and released its second episode today. Akilah had just relayed the story she'd been told of how her high school got its name "the Rebels": the students of the founding class in the mid-1950s were so enamored with the …
    476 words
  13. Seven Out Of Ten, , more info

    “I will pay £700 for this”, said the utterly deranged
    Sony has officially unveiled the PlayStation 5 Pro, a beefier version of their four-year-old console that boasts the ability to play games at both a higher graphical fidelity and a higher frame rate. It costs £699. Fuck me. I don’t love my PlayStation 5. It is the most boring game console I have ever owned by a wide margin, offering little in the way of notable features or exciting quirks. …
    By Liam Richardson, 670 words
  14. The AAUGH Blog, , more info

    Drawing Peanuts
    Matt dropped me a line to show me this video that he had made, digging through every documentary source the he could find to clip footage of Charles Schulz drawing, including Schulz’s own commentary. It does get a bit mesmerizing. I kinda prefer that there was more strip work than stand-alone images, as so much more goes into that, but it’s still fascinating to see how he can clearly already …
    By Nat, 86 words
  15. Magforum blog, , more info

    A printed directory of websites – a hiding to nothing?
    Fewer than 300 US federal websites in late 1994 I’ve just added a mention a mention of the Federal Internet Source to my Magforum page about the history of digital magazines. It struck me what a ridiculous idea this would seem today – a spiral-bound directory of US federal websites. The copy of the directory I have from autumn 1994 proudly lists ‘nearly 300 sources of government information on the …
    By magforum, 537 words