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  1. The Autodidacts, , more info

    Implementing Elegant Timing
    This morning I got stuck in the slow lane behind an old man when I was walking down the sidewalk on my way to a Zoom meeting at my neighbourhood coffee shop. Rather than speeding up and hurrying past him, thoughts on my meeting, I did the opposite: slowed down and walked behind him. Enjoying the moment. And hanging to the right side of the sidewalk in case others wanted …
    By Immanuel, 653 words
  2. A Pilgrim in Narnia, , more info

    Ink Spots and Tea Stains: What We Learn from C.S. Lewis’s Writing Habits (October 2024 SPACE Course Announcement)
    This blog post announces new opportunities for engaging in short courses through Signum University's SPACE program. Professor Brenton Dickieson is offering a unique course focusing on C.S. Lewis and creative writing. The course seeks to explore Lewis's writing habits and provide insight into his literary career. Through this virtual experience, participants will gain a deeper understanding of Lewis as an artist and writer. Continue reading → The post Ink Spots …
    By Brenton Dickieson, 111 words
  3. The Early Days of a Better Nation, , more info

    Carol’s funeral
    More people came to Carol’s funeral than there were seats in the crematorium chapel: our families, her friends and mine, some of whom had travelled a long way. The funeral directors, P B Wright and Sons, took care of the arrangements kindly and professionally. Catriona Miller, the humanist celebrant, conducted the service and delivered a warm and accurate tribute to Carol. I spoke about Carol’s life with me, and Michael …
    By Ken, 209 words
  4. Southern Rockies Nature Blog, , more info

    How Moose Came to Colorado and How They Expanded
    A bull moose in Colorado (Photo: Backcountry Hunters and Anglers)I personally never saw a Colorado moose until 2019 -- in North Park, of course -- although I had looked for them before, both there and around Lake City in southwestern Colorado.Since their introduction in the late 1970s, they have spread out from North Park both on their own and with human help. Here is an interesting long read about that …
    By Chas S. Clifton, 114 words
  5. Eduwonk, , more info

    Tutoring Redux: How You Do Some Things Is How You Do Most Things.
    Don’t miss this new package on the impact of enrollment on school finance from Bellwether, just released. On Monday I wrote about why Freddie deBoer is wrong about NCLB’s policy specifics, why that matters, and why you should read him anyway. Bonus recommendation: Read Dan Meyer on AI. Today, I am re-upping a 2020 post and 2021 post that Mike Goldstein cited on LinkedIn, Dale Chu did on Twitter, and …
    By arotherham, 838 words
  6. simply., , more info

    2024-09-11 20:55
    When financial goals are no longer the center of our existence, time expands. We begin to see life for what it really is: a collection of simple, beautiful moments. A slow morning with a warm cup of tea, a walk through a forest as the sun filters through the trees, or the satisfaction of growing your own food, these moments offer something money can’t buy: peace. // The joy of …
    76 words
  7. Spelling Mistakes Cost Lives /// Darren Cullen, , more info

    The permanent closure of the Museum of Neoliberalism, which doubles as my art studio, is rapidly approaching. I need to be fully cleared out by the 1st Oct so will be closing for good on the 15th Sept. Make a booking and come see it before it closes! Unfortunately the place I'd planned to move my studio and the museum to in Margate has fallen through, so I am now …
    By Darren Cullen, 262 words
  8. The Boston Diaries - Captain Napalm, , more info

    This could maybe explain some of the emails I received, but not all of them
    I received some responses to yesterday's post. The first was from Lionel Dricot who reported that he, too, has received emails for other Lionel Dricot's that lived near him. He also stated that it may be a bug in Gmail where one person can register “[email protected]”; someone else could register “[email protected]” but when receiving emails, Gmail condenses the two addresses into one. That's possible, but I would suspect that would …
    330 words
  9., , more info

    Paternity Leave: Month 1
    Highlights My wife and I became parents. I realized that caring for a newborn takes more time than I expected. I’m unsure what to do with my partially-finished Hacker News course. Goal Grades At the start of each month, I declare what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s how I did against those goals: Finish recording my course Result: Baby arrived early, and I only recorded 20% of the material. Grade: …
    102 words
  10. Free-Range Kids, , more info

    I’m a Child Psychologist: Kids Need More Play!
    Child psychologist Tovah Klein visited the special schools in China where kids are given a vast amount of time and space for free play. What she saw blew her away. The kids seemed so much more creative, competent, and curious than the kids she saw here. So today’s wisdom comes from her new book, “Raising Resilience: How to Help Our Children Thrive in Times of Uncertainty.” (With a foreword by …
    By lskenazy, 768 words
  11. Chicago Skirmish Wargames, , more info

    AAR- Mordheim Campaign Night 4
    The Mordheim campaign chugs along with lots more action. Here's the Report from July 22nd. We were graced with the presence of a guest player this evening, "Kid Kyoto" (a friend from Dakka Dakka) visiting us by way of India- Really nice guy who shares a lot of our gaming interests. I hope he stops in again next time he's in town. He controlled the Ogres in the following battle …
    By Karl Paulsen, 417 words
  12. Frog in a Well, , more info

    Yellow Peril!
    For those of you who don’t follow American politics, the immigrant scourge is back. This time it is Haitian immigrants eating your pets which has gone from a crazy internet meme to the Republican candidate for Vice-President pushing it in his speeches. That actually is, I think, sort of new, in that this used to be more of a whispering campaign type of thing. Well, it was is the U.S. …
    By Alan Baumler, 570 words
  13. in lieu of a field guide, , more info

    Prefiguration of a madness unforeseen
    Does he know what his sentence is?” “No,” the officer said, wanting to continue with his explanations, but the traveler interrupted him: “He does not know his own sentence?” “No,” the officer repeated, pausing briefly as if to insist that the traveler should give a more specific reason for his question, and then said: “There would be no point in announcing it to him … He will come to
    By Rise, 74 words
  14. Andrea Grandi, , more info

    My User Manual
    This is my user manual. If we are working together (or planning to), please read it carefully. You will learn how to deal with me productively and avoid misunderstandings. I initially wrote this for my current colleagues, but I thought it could be a good idea to make it public for everyone else I daily interact with. My style I need to understand why I’m doing something I love working …
    315 words
  15. thoughts dot hnr dot fyi, , more info

    In which I internalise that I'll never step in the same river twice
    Everything changes. Some things feel certain until they’re ripped out from under you, and you realise you’ve been building towards something you don’t even want any more. The only constant in life is change. I find a lot of comfort in this phrase, especially when everything feels like it’s up in the air. Right now, it feels like all there is is air. Everything is different, this side of things. …
    693 words