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  1. Hiew's Boardgame Blog, , more info

    Sky Team
    The GameSky Team is the 2024 Spiel des Jahres winner. It was already getting many positive reviews before it was nominated. What surprised many people was it went on to win. This is a strictly two-player game, and the SdJ has never been awarded to such games. Sky Team is a cooperative dice game about landing a plane. You are pilot and copilot of a plane, and you must collaborate …
    By Hiew Chok Sien 邱卓成, 75 words
  2. Derrick Bang on Film, , more info

    My Old Ass: Poignant and deeply personal
    My Old Ass (2024) • View trailerFour stars (out of five). Rated R, for drug use, sexual candor and frequent profanityAvailable via: Movie theatersBy Derrick Bang • Published in The Davis Enterprise, 9.22.24Canadian writer/director Megan Park’s new film is one of the summer’s sweetest surprises: a deeply moving, intimately emotional, and tartly humorous coming-of-age saga ... but not in the way you’d expect. Although Elliott (Maisy Stella, left) doesn't initially …
    By Derrick Bang, 1,159 words
  3. WowHaus, , more info

    1970s Marcial Echenique modern house in Cambridge
    WowHaus 1970s Marcial Echenique modern house in Cambridge 1970s Marcial Echenique modern house in Cambridge A remarkable listed building as well as a renovation project, this 1970s Marcial Echenique modern house in Cambridge, is up for sale. 1970s Marcial Echenique modern house in Cambridge (image credit: The Modern House) It is remarkable both in terms of design and untouched condition. Designed around half a century ago by Cambridge University academic …
    By WowHauser, 755 words
  4. Cat and Girl, , more info

    By Dorothy, 1 word
  5. Tech Blog, , more info

    Dead Internet Souls
    In the 1800s, before serfdom was abolished in the Russian empire, landowners paid taxes based on how many serfs they had. A census was conducted every few years by government employees traveling across the empire and doing counts; a manual map-reduce of epic proportions. If a person was dead, it would often be years before the government cleared the cache, so to speak, and landowners continued to pay taxes on …
    76 words
  6. I Will Dare, , more info

    Better Down Where it’s Wetter
    Dear Darling Ones, This is a letter to tell you I’m a mermaid now. It’s not the best timing. Last week, a young woman who loved Stevie Nicks and boygenius lopped off six inches of my hair. I meant to write about taking my walker and stroke-addled body out into a public space that wasn’t a medical facility for the first time in 563 days, but I was very busy …
    By Jodi Chromey, 454 words
  7. Silvia Maggi - Designer, , more info

    A new home for my photos
    A website for family, friends, and anyone who lands there to enjoy my photos. For a long time after quitting Instagram in 2021, my photos were nowhere to be seen. Sometimes I would post a few pictures on my blog but it never felt quite right. I thought there had to be a reason to publish one or more pictures, or a similarity between them to build a story. With …
    By Silvia Maggi, 248 words
  8. Rosnovsky Park, , more info

    Linkin Park is BACK! 🤘👨‍🎤🎸
    After 7 long years, Linkin Park is back with their new lead singer Emily Armstrong of Dead Sara, new song "Emptiness Machine", new album "From Zero" (out on November 15), and a new tour.
    39 words
  9. Homesick Texan, , more info

    Chicken calabacitas stew
    For the past few years, I’ve been drawn to creating a dish using chicken and yellow squash. In several of my South Texas community cookbooks, this dish appears in several... Source
    By Lisa Fain, 34 words
  10. Carriage & Wagon News, , more info

    M4843 Almost There
    London North Eastern Railway 1950 Brake Corridor Third E1866 (GOLD)Further fitting of the interior insulation has been undertaken, ready for areas to be panelled off.Meanwhile, components have been progressing on the bench, including a correct pattern LNER letter rack for the guards compartment and several steam heater covers intended to go down the side of the vehicle.London North Eastern Railway 1938 Brake Third Open E16631E (GOLD)No progress to report.London North …
    By NNR Carriage and Wagon, 741 words
  11. Jonathan Griffin, , more info

    Carl Cheng
    Tourists and surfers strolling down the Santa Monica pier in 1979 would have passed a mysterious awning advertising “The Natural Museum of Modern Art”. A nearby explanatory panel did little to clarify: “The Natural Museum of Modern Art project is part of an ongoing interest by the John Doe Co in natural objects and phenomena.” […]
    By Jonathan Griffin, 58 words
  12. History Unfolding, , more info

    An Historical Masterpiece
    Perhaps a month ago I came across a reference to a book about the writing of the Constitution, The Framer's Coup, by one Michael Klarman. (More on him much later.) It took a couple of weeks to get the book, published in 2016 by the Oxford University Press, from the local library system. It includes 631 pages of text and 181 pages of endnotes. It is probably the single best …
    By David Kaiser, 3,329 words
  13. The Tao of Gaming, , more info

    Usability Issues for Good Games
    I saw the new Dominion expansion at the store last night. I stopped buying them around the tenth or so. Not because I disliked Dominion; but I never got it to the table: A usability problem. I put all of my Dominion cards in a binder, with a card box for the randomizers and tokens etc. It was too cumbersome to ship (if the binder tilted wrong, all the cards …
    By taogaming, 408 words
  14. Black Phoebe, , more info

    My First Published Novel : A Quiver Full, Or How Mr. Darcy Will Not Sit on That Sofa Again!
    Thurs. Sept. 19, 2024 – On Sunday, I pushed the Publish button to start my debut novel’s adventure out into the Big Wide World...
    By Ms. Jen, 43 words
  15. Manuel Matuzović - Web development Blog, , more info

    Website accessibility reaction videos (in German)
    Recently, I started a new project. I react to the accessibility of more or less randomly picked websites.Before you get too excited, It's in German. I feel more comfortable recording live reactions to websites I have never seen in my native language. However, I may try it in English if there's demand. So far, I've recorded four videos: Wie barrierefrei ist Wie barrierefrei ist Wie barrierefrei ist …
    122 words