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  1. McMansion Hell, , more info

    on neuschwanstein castle (part 1)
    This is an essay in two parts.Neuschwanstein Concept Drawing by the stage designer (!!) Christian Jank (1869). There exist in architecture clear precedents to the McMansion that have nothing to do with suburban real estate. This is because “McMansionry” (let’s say) has many transferable properties. Among them can be included: 1) a diabolical amount of wealth that must be communicated architecturally in the most frivolous way possible, 2) a penchant …
    3,220 words
  2. the m0vie blog, , more info

    405. King Kong (#—)
    Peter Jackson's King Kong, with David Monaghan and Grace Duffy. At time of recording, it was not ranked on the list of best movies of all time on the Internet Movie Database. Show notes, including links: Follow us on twitter at @thetwofifty.
    By Darren, 47 words
  3. Magforum blog, , more info

    Dickens and his duelling frogs
    En garde: fencing frogs were noted on the desk of Charles Dickens Time flies. I’m astounded to see it is 14 years since I wrote ‘Sword-fighting frogs and Dickens‘. This popular post linked a tableau of sword-fencing stuffed frogs found in an abandoned French chateau to ‘The Empty Chair’ by Sir Samuel Luke Fildes, a print published in 1870 as a tribute to Charles Dickens. Detail of objects on the …
    By magforum, 264 words
  4. Thinking about Science with David Hukins, , more info

    24.12 Atomic orbitals
    In post 16.29, we saw that the lowest energy levels in an atom are conventionally labelled, in order of increasing energy, 1s, 2s and 2p. There are three 2p levels that all correspond to the same energy; they are denoted 2px, 2py, and 2pz. Electrons occupy these energy levels according to the principles explained in post 16.29. For example, let’s remind ourselves of the energy levels occupied by electron in …
    By David Hukins, 933 words
  5. of Resonance, , more info

    2024-12-27 16:01
  6. Lancashire Past – Lancashire History Website and Blog, , more info

    A History of the Surey Demoniack, Whalley
    The Surey Demoniack is an intriguing story of alleged demon possession in Lancashire, from the late 1600s. Our knowledge of the events derives from a lengthy pamphlet that narrated a ‘believer’s view’ of demon possession. It was written by the ministers involved in attempts at exorcism. These men were known as Protestant nonconformists, that is […]
    By, 63 words
  7. somethingaboutmaps, , more info

    Journey’s End
    Nearly five years ago, I completed a project that, to my mind, remains the most significant of my cartographic career: An Atlas of Great Lakes Islands, manually printed in cyanotype, with a hand-stitched binding. I wanted to share this project with all of you, but there were only a few copies. So, I decided to send one on a journey around the world. Several dozen people signed up to host …
    By Daniel Huffman, 663 words
  8. The Art of Doing Stuff, , more info

    7 Days of Puzzles - Poodle Playtime
    Of course there had to be a poodle puzzle. The final puzzle of this series is a snow and a star studded showdown with Philip and his best friend Sterling. PLUS a note on when I'll be back after the holidays. I'm not sure if this is a thing that other poodle owners go through...Read More
    By Karen, 63 words
  9. Lucy Bellwood – Blog, , more info

    Double Dipping
    Sometimes I’ll jot down a word I think I haven’t heard before, only to locate it in the existing Word Hoard archive on my own website. Apparently I logged bruit (sounds like “brewie”) on this site in August of 2020, possibly in response to learning more about my dad’s many vascular conditions, but it appears again in my notes from reading Excession earlier this year! Leave it to Ian Banks …
    By Lucy Bellwood, 83 words
  10. The Indie Bob Spot, , more info

    Belleville Books - Belleville, IL
    Belleville Books, Belleville, IL(Like The Indie Bob Spot on Facebook and follow The Indie Bob Spot on X)I’ve been on this journey now for about 10 years and over 600 bookstores so not surprisingly, I’ve had a few coincidental experiences. One such experience happened here at Belleville Books, a newly opened indie in a historical downtown building not even three months old. Steve M. and Rob E. are the co-owners …
    By Bob, 1,022 words
  11. The Ranty Highwayman, , more info

    Stratford Streets
    Boxing Day called for a little bit of fresh air and with the Elizabeth Line closed, I took my folding bike out for a trip to Stratford (East London) via the District Line for a little post-Christmas cycle safari.I caught up with Dermot Hanney, one of the people behind the London Route Plan Roll cycle network map, to have a look a few things going on in the Stratford area …
    By The Ranty Highwayman, 1,014 words
  12. The Analog Antiquarian, , more info

    Chapter 21: Philippine Vagabonds
    May 1 – June 21, 1521 (Hellerick) Propelled by fear, habit, and a steady wind at its back, the fleet sailed south by southwest out of Cebu City for almost 24 hours, passing between the islands of Cebu to the west and Bohol to the east. By the morning of the second day, however, the adrenaline rush of the breakneck flight from danger was fading. When a cape at the …
    By Jimmy Maher, 3,751 words
  13. Lea Verou • Blog, , more info

    Context Chips in Survey Design: “Okay, but how does it _feel_?”
    One would think that we’ve more or less figured survey UI out by now. Multiple choice questions, checkbox questions, matrix questions, dropdown questions, freeform textfields, numerical scales, what more could one possibly need?! And yet, every time Google sponsored me to lead one of the State Of … surveys, and especially the inaugural State of HTML 2023 Survey, I kept hitting the same wall; I kept feeling that the established …
    4,902 words
  14. Bonkers about Perfume, , more info

    Simon sniffs: a pioneering perfume protégé is doused down under in a fragrant Fitzroy foray
    Fraser Island by David Stanley (Nanaimo, Canada) via Wikimedia Commons It's been over a month since my last post, though there has been the Christmas runaround to contend with, plus it took me several weeks at least to come up with that title. The wags amongst you might say I should have taken longer. Regular readers may remember my friend Simon, whose growing interest in niche
    By Vanessa, 79 words
  15. Beautiful Water Genealogy, , more info

    U-Turn:  More Post-Accident Aftermath
    In 2015, I wrote about how my grandfather and great-grandmother fared after the 1932 death of my great-grandfather George Edmund Pleau. Since that time, I’ve learned so much more about Bertha’s and young George’s lives! (Thank you, newspapers!) So let me color in the picture a little better. Bertha and George returned to Lynn about 1933, living in a couple of places on Lewis Street in East Lynn, right by …
    By ckmccloud, 1,032 words