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  1., , more info

    Silo Season 3 Sees Ashley Zuckerman and Jessica Henwick Join Cast
    News Silo Silo Season 3 Sees Ashley Zuckerman and Jessica Henwick Join Cast The new additions might be from a time before the silo was put in place… By Vanessa Armstrong | Published on January 17, 2025 Photo by Gage Skidmore licensed uder CC BY-SA 2.0 Comment 0 Share New Share Silo Season 3 Sees Ashley Zuckerman and Jessica Henwick Join Cast&url=” target=”_blank” title=”Twitter”> Silo Season 3 Sees Ashley Zuckerman …
    By Vanessa Armstrong, 342 words
  2. kevin spencer, , more info

    2025-01-17 15:44
    Who did I listen to most this week? #lastfm says: Peter Gabriel (64), Kate Bush (45), Glaring (35), Phase Fatale (29) & The Soft Moon (19) [via lastweekly]
    By lastweekly, 28 words
  3. The Analog Antiquarian, , more info

    Interlude: The Mutineers’ Return
    During that same fateful spring of 1521 which brought triumph followed by death to Ferdinand Magellan in the Philippines, his adopted liege Charles was grappling with problems of his own half a world away. For Charles’s new kingdom of Spain was then in the closing stages of a brief but terrifying civil war. A year earlier, the city of Toledo, in the heart of old Castille, had instigated a rebellion …
    By Jimmy Maher, 3,376 words
  4. Shady Characters, , more info

    Miscellany № 104: new year, new miscellany
    Hello, and welcome to 2025. Is it that time already? The possessive apostrophe (or rather, the abuse of the possessive apostrophe) is a recurrent guest star here at Shady Characters, but usually in the English language. Recently, though, the Guardian reported that unneeded apostrophes are infecting German, too. The so-called Deppenapostroph, or “idiot’s apostrophe”, appears when a German-language expression uses it to indicate a possessive — despite the fact that …
    By Keith Houston, 93 words
  5. Jennifer Mills News, , more info

    2025-01-17 12:59
  6. Aiee! Run From Kelvin's Brainsplurge!, , more info

    Mission: The Hermit
    Here's another Stargrave scenario, completely untested, as per usual. THE HERMIT Pagurus Titanicus is known for grabbing bits of debris to build itself a tough outer shell, and there's plenty of debris among the dead stars. There's loot too, and rumour has it this monster is carrying treasure on its back. SET-UP Place terrain as normal. Multi-level terrain is handy for jumping down on the
    By thekelvingreen, 68 words
  7. Raven Sings The Blues, , more info

    SW Hedrick
    January still proves a great setting for reconciling with the the previous year. 2024 was packed, and there were still plenty of great releases that slipped between the cracks. In the spirit of re-examination I’ve been listening to this excellent release from Scott Hedrick, a surprising left turn from the guitarist most known for working with thrash band Skeletonwitch. With that in mind, the opening acoustic flourishes from Devotional Drift, …
    By Andy, 276 words
  8. Jane's London, , more info

    Gray's Inn Road – strange backward-facing houses, a water trough and another laundry (with fancy tiles)
    I was walking from Russell Square to Kings Cross today and, as I passed by these houses that end at Heathcote Street, I thought it was high time that I shared my idea that surely they face the wrong way. I mean to say, the front doors face Mecklenburgh Street, yet the walled back gardens abut Grays Inn Road here. I've only seen the like in two other London locations: …
    By Jane, 610 words
  9. WowHaus, , more info

    1930s art deco house in Taunton, Somerset
    WowHaus 1930s art deco house in Taunton, Somerset 1930s art deco house in Taunton, Somerset (image credit: Robert Cooney) This 1930s art deco house in Taunton, Somerset, is the best renovation project I have seen for quite some time. (image credit: Robert Cooney) Because 1930s houses in largely original condition just don’t come up very often these days. And especially 1930s houses with architectural merit, which is what we are …
    By WowHauser, 873 words
  10. MUBI | Notebook, , more info

    Sleepless Nocturne: On “Nightshift”
    This January, we’ve commissioned a series of short essays considering film restorations from the past year. This is the first.Nightshift (Robina Rose, 1981).’Tis the season: that year-end rush to evaluate, organize, rank films seen in the arbitrary unit of time one calls a year. This process always privileges newness, but I have come to treasure the novelties that unpredictably emerge from historical archives. Some films arrive as though you had …
    By Elena Gorfinkel, 1,454 words
  11. Paul Sellers' Woodworking Blog, , more info

    Another Perfect Scraper Solution
    I come up with them all the time and this one should knock your socks off . . . Or at least take incredible shavings for you. New to woodworking or a seasoned machinist, I often get woodworkers lamenting that they sometimes get a good edge to Card Scrapers, but mostly not. I put this... Source
    By Paul Sellers, 60 words
  12. Cheese and Biscuits, , more info

    etch by Steven Edwards, Hove
    Hove is a very acceptable place to spend a day. I was last in the area when visiting the Urchin, a seafood-specialist gastropub and microbrewery (I bet there aren't too many of them around) which made the (pretty easy actually) journey down from Battersea more than worth my while. Since then, I've discovered that we paid way too much for our train tickets (apparently we should have gone Thameslink, not …
    By Chris Pople, 1,217 words
  13. Aleks Sierz - Reviews, , more info

    The Lonely Londoners, Kiln Theatre
    Is resilience the most powerful character trait? When you think about the suffering of the Windrush Generation, migrants to the UK in the 1950s, it is their sheer staying power that is immediately obvious. As the son of a Jamaican mother, who came here decades ago, Roy Williams wrote his first mid-1990s plays about her experiences, then moved on to examine issues of race in contemporary Britain. Now he revisits …
    By Aleks Sierz, 852 words
  14. Core77, , more info

    Core77 Weekly Roundup (1-13-25 to 1-17-25)
    Here's what we looked at this week:Dremel's new Blueprint Multi-Drill is designed with innovative features that consumers can use. AI-designed footwear is here, with a new "influencer" business model.Industrial design case study: Modern Weave 3.0, by KEM Studio, is an experimental furniture design incorporating rope.Gimmicky furniture design strikes again: A multi-position chair lands $780K-plus on Kickstarter.Combo furniture: LG adds a projector and speaker to a floor lamp.Outside-the-box thinking: The Adaptchula, …
    By Rain Noe, 187 words
  15. Stumbling and Mumbling, , more info

    A defence of the triple lock
    Ben Ramanauskas wants to abolish the pensions triple lock. As a longstanding advocate of it, you'd expect me to disagree. And I do, but not violently. Ben proposes replacing the lock with simply raising the state pension in line with average earnings. This has two great merits. One, as Ben says, is that it aligns the interests of pensioners and workers. It tells today's pensioners: "you're in the same boat …
    By chris, 897 words