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  1. Constitutionally Speaking
    By Pierre de Vos. 🇿🇦 More info

    Court cases against UCT and Maties are emblematic of the ‘Mpofu-fication’ of SA universities
    Even when the legal arguments in such lawfare cases are weak or absurd, the litigation itself can be of value to litigants who seek to utilise the court hearings to air a litany of real …
    By Pierre De Vos, 2,054 words
  2. Micropub Adventures
    Micropubs, Breweries, Pubs and more……. By Scott Spencer. 🇬🇧 More info

    12/10/24 – Derby #1
    Subscribe WordPress Facebook Twitter Instagram If you enjoy reading please consider “buying me a pint”, this will help to cover my hosting and image hosting and help to ensure further trips can go ahead!BUY ME …
    By scottspencer001, 1,778 words
  3. Birchtree
    I've been writing here since 2010! Back when personal blogs were all the rage. Kids, ask your parents. By Matt Birchler. More info

    The most important line in any headset review
    Riley Hill: I Bought A Vision Pro After Everyone Said It Was DeadAfter about two weeks of using the Vision Pro,Riley has some interesting thoughts about using the Vision Pro for the first time many …
    By Matt Birchler, 681 words
  4. Pat in the World
    Paperwork enthusiast seeking new frontiers of paperwork. Former submariner, former Peace Corps Volunteer. 🇺🇸 More info

    More LMS Photos
    Reading this week: Visions from the Forests, General Editors Jan-Lodewijk Grootaers and Alexander Bortolot Sacred River by Syl Cheney-Coker Afro Sport This fall I got to visit the London Missionary Society archives kept at SOAS …
    By patintheworld, 1,240 words
  5. James Warrick
    Observations at the intersection of business and technology. More info

    Decisions: One-way and two-way doors
    In his 2015 shareholder letter, Jeff Bezos talks about two types of decisions - those that are best represented as one-way doors, and those that are more like two-way doors.This thought process about how reversible …
    By James Warrick, 1,646 words
  6. Sven Krasser's Blog
    Musings on technology, security & sundries. 🇺🇸 More info

    A VIA for the Commodore 64: Revised PCB
    Now that all electronic issues are resolved, it’s time to update the PCB for my expansion board that adds a W65C22S Versatile Interface Adapter (VIA) to my Commodore 64....
    37 words
  7. Wood With Strings
    Guitar Building Tips, Tricks and Works in Progress. 🇦🇺 More info

    Some Silent Sanding
    Cheers, Pete
    By Wood With Strings, 5 words
  8. Transit Sleuth
    Transit sleuthing Seattle, Portland, and maybe a place near you. By Adron Hall. 🇺🇸 More info

    Unbelievable Luck: Recovering A Lost Wallet From The Bus
    On a bus to Redmond, a passenger found a wallet and returned it to the driver. Shortly after, the owner joyfully reclaimed it at the next stop. The unexpected reunion brought a sense of wonder …
    By Adron, 53 words
  9. The chronicles of the Isle of Stoner
    A blog about my 009 modelling and The Isle of Stoner Railway. By Lord Stoner. 🇬🇧 More info

    Round the houses and some new engines too
    Since my last post on here I've actually done quite a bit of modelling so I'll start in no particular order with a loco kit I swapped for a 'Dolgochification' kit. I had intended to …
    By Lord Stoner, 632 words
  10. Southern Railway, Fisherton Sarum, Canute Road Quay & Westhill Road
    The model railway world and mainly Southern Railway meanderings of Graham 'Muz' Muspratt. 🇬🇧 More info

    This train is my life, Canute Road Quay on the road again – High Wycombe MRX24 – 9th November
    Canute Road Quay is on the road again and appearing at the High Wycombe and District MRS MRX24 exhibition on Saturday 9th November. This show is very local to me being organised by my own …
    By grahammuz, 276 words
  11. A Cluttered Mind
    Math, anecdotes, recipes. More info

    Quick Proof of Cauchy Integral Formula
    $\newcommand\C{\mathbb{C}}$ I came up with the proof below while preparing a lecture for my complex analysis course. I learned from Sinan Gunturk that Peter Lax showed him the same proof back in 2007. Let \(O\subset\C\) …
    232 words
  12. 4 gravitons
    The trials and tribulations of four gravitons and a physicist. 🇩🇰 More info

    Lack of Recognition Is a Symptom, Not a Cause
    Science is all about being first. Once a discovery has been made, discovering the same thing again is redundant. At best, you can improve the statistical evidence…but for a theorem or a concept, you don’t …
    By 4gravitons, 970 words
  13. Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog
    Musings On 20th Century Pop Culture by Psychotronic Paul. By Paul F. Etcheverry. 🇺🇸 More info

    Screenings, Chicken, Waffles
    First and foremost, let's plug some cool screenings.It's no surprise to readers of Way Too Damn Lazy To Write A Blog that we're big fans of Halloween cartoons and Frankenstein (both young and not-so-young). A …
    By Paul F. Etcheverry, 371 words
  14. Silver Scenes
    Covering the world of classic movies from the silents to the mid 1960s via bios, movie reviews, rare photos and fun trivia. By Constance Metzinger, Diana Metzinger. More info

    The Alfred Hitchcock Hour: Don't Look Behind You (1962)
    In 1962, The Alfred Hitchcock Hour premiered, expanding on the popular half-hour thriller series Alfred Hitchcock Presents. Like its predecessor, each episode opened with an introduction from the Master of Suspense himself Mr. Hitchcock, who …
    By The Metzinger Sisters, 478 words
    Backpacking, Camping, Hiking, and the Outdoors. By Paul Magnanti. 🇺🇸 More info

    Local Delights
    Hosting another friend means we have another chance to take in some local favorites and some nearby places off the beaten path. Read More ... Continue reading Local Delights at
    By Paul Mags, 33 words