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Lucas da Silva - Blog

Just my random thoughts and other random things that you may or may not find interesting. :).

  • By Lucas da Silva
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

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Jan 2023 9
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Apr 2023 0
May 2023 0
Jun 2023 0
Jul 2023 2
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Oct 2023 6
Nov 2023 7
Dec 2023 7
Jan 2024 7
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 3
Apr 2024 10
May 2024 10
Jun 2024 10
Jul 2024 10

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Most recent posts

Rebelle shortcuts are the best!
It's been a year now that I've been using Rebelle (6 and 7) for most of my paintings and I love the way its default shortcuts work.Wanna increase the brush size? Hold CMD + drag …
On , by Lucas da Silva, 70 words
Sketching, sketching, sketching
Lately, I'm slowly trying to get back to sketching, and by sketching I mean ink sketching, on real paper, like the that time I attended Peter Han's Dynamic Sketching class.Traditional tools/medium is still something I'm …
On , by Lucas da Silva, 106 words
Yesterweek #22
Yet another slow week.Only managed to do 1 portrait study. And that's all for now.Music stuck in my headAgain, I still can't believe I was there:Onto the next week!
On , by Lucas da Silva, 31 words