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Jordan Webb's blog

Development notes and technical musings.

  • By Jordan Webb
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly five posts per year
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 2
Nov 2022 3
Dec 2022 1
Jan 2023 4
Feb 2023 1
Mar 2023 1
Apr 2023 0
May 2023 1
Jun 2023 0
Jul 2023 0
Aug 2023 0
Sep 2023 0
Oct 2023 0
Nov 2023 1
Dec 2023 0
Jan 2024 0
Feb 2024 0
Mar 2024 0
Apr 2024 0
May 2024 4
Jun 2024 0
Jul 2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

My recipe for BBQ chicken wings
Hey, did you know I make really good BBQ chicken wings? I use a recipe I invented myself, and every time I make it I’m terrified I’ll forget how to do it; I’ve never written …
On , 467 words
Stuff happening behind the scenes
WeblogPoMo 2024 has been a success in getting me interested in this blog again. Unfortunately, so far, that’s resulted in a whole lot of coding, and very little actual blogging! Way back in August of …
On , 967 words
Amazon's Dash Carts are unusably bad
I live not-too-far from one of Amazon’s brick-and-mortar grocery stores. Until very recently, it was my preferred grocery store; though Amazon is not a force for good in the world, I’m not sure if I …
On , 1,366 words