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Blogs about Web development

30 blogs about Web development.

  1. 2ality – JavaScript and more
    By Axel Rauschmayer. 🇩🇪 More info

    Ecma International approves ECMAScript 2024: What’s new?
    On 26 June 2024, the 127th Ecma General Assembly approved the ECMAScript 2024 language specification, which means that it’s officially a standard now. This blog post explains what’s new.
    36 words
  2. 37signals Dev
    The 37signals Dev blog is brought to you by the people who build Basecamp and HEY ✌️❤️. 🇺🇸 More info

    Homographic Spoofing: a new Ruby toolkit
    What is an homograph attack Homograph characters look the same or very similar to other characters, but are different. For example, the letters “l” and “ӏ” (Cyrrilic “ӏ”) look the same but are different characters. …
    By Jacopo Beschi, 302 words
  3. Alejandro AR (kinduff) | Blog
    Alejandro AR (kinduff) website with blog posts, projects, videos, and more. More info

    A unified front for your team
    Imagine you’re on the hunt for a new sweater and decide to visit a local clothing store. Upon arrival, you engage with Tom, an enthusiastic new employee who began working there last week. You inquire …
    264 words
  4. Amit Merchant
    A blog on PHP, JavaScript, and more. 🇮🇳 More info

    Request fingerprints and how to use them in Laravel
    A fingerprint, in general, refers to a unique pattern or characteristic that can be used to identify an individual or an object. This concept is widely used in various fields. For instance, to uniquely identify …
    By Amit Merchant, 566 words
  5. Clint McMahon
    Freelance web & mobile app developer in Minneapolis, Minnesota. I build websites, mobile apps and consult on technology strategies. 🇺🇸 More info

    First real heat of the year
    There's a heat dome forecast to settle into the upper Midwest tomorrow that will hang around for the next week. Temperatures are expected to be 85F degrees and higher with lows dipping only into the …
    By Clint McMahon, 367 words
  6. Coding with Jesse
    Web development blog about Svelte, JavaScript, HTML and CSS. By Jesse Skinner. 🇨🇦 More info

    Does your web server scale down?
    Are you paying for servers sitting idle in the middle of the night? When we talk about scaling a web server, we often focus on scaling up. Can your server handle a spike in traffic? …
    337 words
  7. The Content Technologist
    Building better content operations. Understanding how algorithms process content. Weekly newsletter & resource by award-winning strategist Deborah Carver. 🇺🇸 More info

    CT No.220: My brain hurt like a warehouse; it had no room to spare
    Today, The Content Technologist begins its sixth year of publication. Cheers! Thank you for reading!In-person workshop with MIMA August 22Organic content performance for word people: How to use content analytics for editorial decision-makingI'm super stoked …
    By Deborah Carver, 2,619 words
  8. Earth Notes - On Website Technicals
    Read nitty-gritty tech updates and daily learnings that keep the Earth Notes site up and running; site stats also. By Damon Hart-Davis. 🇬🇧 More info

    Manage the Heat Maltese Style
    Avoid your home overheating in summer by using your windows and blinds like the Maltese do on the Med! #BeatTheHeat
    25 words
  9. HeydonWorks: Latest Writing
    The works, workings, and reckonings of Heydon. By Heydon Pickering. 🇬🇧 More info

    Testing HTML With Modern CSS
    A long time ago, I wrote a reasonably popular bit of open source code called REVENGE.CSS (the caps are intentional). You should know upfront, this hasn’t been maintained for years and if I ever did …
    1,608 words
  10. - Blog
    By Jake Archibald. 🇬🇧 More info

    HTML attributes vs DOM properties
    Attributes and properties are fundamentally different things. You can have an attribute and property of the same name set to different values. For example: <div foo="bar">…</div> <script> const div = document.querySelector('div[foo=bar]'); console.log(div.getAttribute('foo')); // 'bar' console.log(; …
    1,566 words
  11. Jessitron – blog
    symmathecist, in the medium of code. By Jessica Kerr. 🇺🇸 More info

    Stupid bash tricks: a self-updating script
    For a demo app, I want a simple-as-possible deploy script. The simplest thing is to hard-code the version number (which gives my docker image a unique tag, which gets kubernetes to pull the new image1). …
    By jessitron, 295 words
  12. Jordan Webb's blog
    Development notes and technical musings. 🇺🇸 More info

    My recipe for BBQ chicken wings
    Hey, did you know I make really good BBQ chicken wings? I use a recipe I invented myself, and every time I make it I’m terrified I’ll forget how to do it; I’ve never written …
    467 words
  13. Kurt McKee
    lessons learned in production. More info

    Revitalizing stalled open source projects
    I recently encountered an open source project that hadn't received updates for a while. The issue tracker had ~200 open issues, ~70 open pull requests, and CI was partially failing. It's not uncommon for projects …
    By Kurt McKee, 1,943 words
  14. Lambros Petrou | Home
    My personal blog where I publish my thoughts. More info

    Skybear.NET Scripts landing page and Business plan - Changelog 2024-07-21
    Table of contents Run types Landing page Business plan Continuous Integration use-case Conclusion and feedback Skybear.NET is a managed platform to automate your HTTP API synthetics testing using plain text scripts. Use it for …
    By Lambros Petrou, 899 words
  15. Lloyd Atkinson - Articles
    🇬🇧 More info

    Some Thoughts As I Sit Here in Another Standup
    What is the software industry playing at? - Tagged: Rant, Agile, Software Management
    22 words
  16. Localghost - Blog
    Sophie builds fun things out of HTML, CSS & JavaScript, and writes blog posts about tech and mental health. By Sophie Koonin. 🇬🇧 More info

    Different ways to mock third-party integrations in Jest
    A few years back I got so bored of taking attendance for my choir that I wrote a Slack integration to do it for me (I got us on Slack in 2014). That evolved from …
    1,458 words
  17. Luciano Mammino's Blog
    I am a Full stack web developer working on cloud products. 🇮🇪 More info

    Migrating from Gatsby to Astro
    I recently migrated this blog from Gatsby to Astro. Finally, I have to say! I have been meaning to move away from Gatsby for a while, but I never really prioritised this activity until now …
    By Luciano Mammino, 4,858 words
    The personal website of Mary Knize. Web development, art, and tinkering with fun projects. 🇺🇸 More info

    I started painting again
    I don't love how this painting turned out, but I enjoyed every moment of creating it. (I did the best I could on the photography with a tripod, my phone, and my office lights.) I …
    766 words
  19. Matt Fantinel
    I'm a developer aiming to build things that spark joy. I build fun stuff on the web, and sometimes write about it. 🇧🇷 More info

    CSS “Quantity Queries” are a thing now
    If anything looks wrong, read on the site! I was recently working on some form styling for a project and the design had this example of a group of checkboxes that spread out in 3 …
    658 words
  20. Phil Nash | Blog
    A developer, speaker, blogger, developer advocate, sausage dog owner and beer lover. 🇦🇺 More info

    JavaScript is getting array grouping methods
    Grouping items in an array is one of those things you've probably done a load of times. Each time you would have written a grouping function by hand or perhaps reached for lodash's groupBy function. …
    877 words