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I Buy A New Washer

A blog which muses on the everyday happenings of motherhood, poetry, work and basic plumbing techniques.

  • By Liz Lefroy
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Sep 2021 1
Oct 2021 0
Nov 2021 0
Dec 2021 1
Jan 2022 0
Feb 2022 1
Mar 2022 0
Apr 2022 0
May 2022 1
Jun 2022 1
Jul 2022 0
Aug 2022 1
Sep 2022 1
Oct 2022 3
Nov 2022 0
Dec 2022 3
Jan 2023 0
Feb 2023 2
Mar 2023 1
Apr 2023 1
May 2023 1
Jun 2023 2
Jul 2023 1
Aug 2023 1
Sep 2023 2
Oct 2023 0
Nov 2023 1
Dec 2023 1
Jan 2024 1
Feb 2024 2
Mar 2024 0
Apr 2024 2
May 2024 2
Jun 2024 1
Jul 2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

I Personal Best
[If running stats bore you, look away now.]I love parkrun. I love the weekly routine of it: same time, same route, same format, same mental reckonings about the results, same feeling of smugness post-event as …
On , by Liz Lefroy, 456 words
I Write In Red
Red for the strawberries, ripening on my allotment, sweet brightness against straw. Red for the runner bean flowers. Red for the radishes huddled up close. Red, just about, for the rhubarb. Red for my face …
On , by Liz Lefroy, 152 words
I Integrate Some Things...
... more specifically, my work role. I was enabled to do this at a conference at the University of Central Lancashire this week. Understanding came to me as it always does: relationally, emotionally, experientially; and …
On , by Liz Lefroy, 549 words