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Yasoob Khalid

The author of Intermediate Python and the Practical Python Projects books.

  • By Yasoob Khalid
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly two posts per year
  • First post on

Posts per year

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Year starting Posts
2020 9
2021 6
2022 4
2023 2
2024 1

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Most recent posts

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Running Go code from Elixir Using Web Assembly
I was working on an Elixir project recently and one particular open source package that I wanted to make use of was written in Go. I searched for different ways to interface with Go code …
On , 99 words
How to Use Apple Vision Framework via PyObjC for Text Recognition
Introduction This post has been sitting in my drafts folder for a long time. Sometime earlier this year I saw a job posting where someone wanted to use Apple’s vision framework to do text recognition. …
On , 95 words
How to Efficiently Reorder or Rerank Items in Database
I was once thinking about Trello and Jira and wondered how they implemented the sorting functionality in their drag & drop interface. You can have a million items/cards and both of these platforms will allow …
On , 116 words