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Sympolymathesy, by Chris Krycho—Journal

Short-to-medium length entries—relatively off the cuff.

  • By Chris Krycho
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly two posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2023 2
Nov 2023 7
Dec 2023 11
Jan 2024 2
Feb 2024 3
Mar 2024 3
Apr 2024 0
May 2024 6
Jun 2024 3
Jul 2024 6

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

[journal] Podcasts Are Audio Blogs
Indie media (potentially) at its very best.I recently said to a friend:1 Podcasts are audio blogs! With all the good and ill that entails, but in our media culture, mostly good. A small elaboration on …
On , by Chris Krycho, 354 words
[journal] Weeknote: July 6–13, 2024
Speaking My second LambdaConf talk was published: Seeing Like a Programmer: Resiliency, Limits, And Moral Hazards In Software Engineering. This is the best talk I have ever given, and also by far the most important. …
On , by Chris Krycho, 747 words
[journal] Fast Tools are Wonderful
A real-world example: Markdown-, HTML-, Unicode-aware word counting. Assumed audience: People interested in software performance (but not necessarily programmers). I built a little Rust-powered CLI tool back in early June that I use all the …
On , by Chris Krycho, 794 words