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The Blog of Scott Aaronson.

  • By Scott Aaronson
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Sep 2022 3
Oct 2022 5
Nov 2022 7
Dec 2022 3
Jan 2023 2
Feb 2023 3
Mar 2023 7
Apr 2023 5
May 2023 5
Jun 2023 0
Jul 2023 5
Aug 2023 3
Sep 2023 1
Oct 2023 4
Nov 2023 4
Dec 2023 5
Jan 2024 1
Feb 2024 2
Mar 2024 3
Apr 2024 4
May 2024 4
Jun 2024 3
Jul 2024 5

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

New comment policy
Update (July 24): Remember the quest that Adam Yedidia and I started in 2016, to find the smallest n such that the value of the nth Busy Beaver number can be proven independent of the …
On , by Scott, 651 words
My Prayer
It is the duty of good people, always and everywhere, to condemn, reject, and disavow the use of political violence. Even or especially when evildoers would celebrate the use of political violence against us. It …
On , by Scott, 724 words
Quantum developments!
Perhaps like the poor current President of the United States, I can feel myself fading, my memory and verbal facility and attention to detail failing me, even while there’s so much left to do to …
On , by Scott, 527 words