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John Clare Weblog

From Helpston in rural Northamptonshire, John Clare was born in 1793. He is now regarded as the most important poet of the natural world from Britain.

  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per day
  • First post on

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Most recent posts

Summer suns
Cheerd by the rural objects as we passTo were trees shadows keepeth green the grassChecking intrusions of the summer sunsThere drop us down close were the river runsIn sight of rural sounds & pleasing strifeThat …
On , 74 words
Can I carry your books?
O throw aside those carless waysMy conscous heart to moveAffected anger but betraysSuspicous doubts of loveThat face were frowns at will can dwellWere cold deciet beguilesMay just as easy & as wellDissemble while it smilesTis …
On , 60 words
Helpston in 1830
On the 24th July 1830 Sophia was born to Patty and John - the family then consisted then of 6 children, Anna (10), Eliza (8 ), Freddy (6) John (4), William (2), and baby Sophia. …
On , 159 words