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Tim Harford | Articles

The Undercover Economist.

  • By Tim Harford
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly two posts per week

Posts per month

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Month starting Posts
Jan 2023 5
Feb 2023 9
Mar 2023 10
Apr 2023 6
May 2023 5
Jun 2023 7
Jul 2023 8
Aug 2023 6
Sep 2023 5
Oct 2023 7
Nov 2023 9
Dec 2023 5
Jan 2024 6
Feb 2024 9
Mar 2024 7
Apr 2024 7
May 2024 6
Jun 2024 7
Jul 2024 6

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

How to fix the UK? Let me count the ways
Here’s the bad news: it is going to take more than a change of government to cure what ails Britain. The symptoms are wearyingly familiar, but worth summarising. Waiting lists for NHS treatment have soared …
On , by Tim Harford, 927 words
Cautionary Tales – Flying Too High: AI and AirFrance Flight 447
Panic has erupted in the cockpit of AirFrance Flight 447. The pilots are convinced they’ve lost control of the plane. It’s lurching violently. Then, it begins plummeting from the sky at breakneck speed, careening towards …
On , by Tim Harford, 221 words
In Broken Britain, even the statistics don’t work
From the bone-jarring potholes to the human excrement regularly released into British rivers, the country’s creaking infrastructure is one of the most visceral manifestations of the past 15 years of stagnation. To these examples of …
On , by Tim Harford, 944 words