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Blogs about Economics

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12 blogs about Economics.

  1. Conversable Economist
    In Hume’s spirit, I will attempt to serve as an ambassador from my world of economics, and help in “finding topics of conversation fit for the entertainment of rational creatures.”. By Timothy Taylor. 🇺🇸 More info

    US Manufacturing Jobs in Long-Term Context
    Manufacturing jobs have a talismanic force in the politics of the US and many other high-income countries. The underlying belief often seems to be that governments of other countries have enacted policies that allowed them …
    By conversableeconomist, 857 words
  2. Coppola Comment
    Finance, economics and music. By Frances Coppola. 🇬🇧 More info

    The myths that refuse to die
    In my last post, I debunked the myth of the "reserve pool" of British workers. In this post, I discuss three more labour force myths that refuse to die: the myth of the "tide of …
    By Frances Coppola, 79 words
  3. Econbrowser
    Analysis of current economic conditions and policy. By James D. Hamilton, Menzie Chinn. 🇺🇸 More info

    Russia: Policy Rate Raised to 18%
    As of today: For comparison, here is the y/y (official) inflation rate (through June). With the policy rate at 18%, and y/y inflation at 8.6% (through June), we have in essence a contractionary monetary policy. …
    By Menzie Chinn, 184 words
  4. EconLog - Econlib
    Bloggers … write on topical economics of interest to them, illuminating subjects from politics and finance, to recent films and cultural observations, to history and literature. 🇺🇸 More info

    Good News on Global Equality
    Part 3: Declining Inequality This is part three of three-part series. In part one of this series, I discussed different kinds of inequality and which ones we should be concerned about. In part two of …
    741 words
  5. The Enlightened Economist
    Economics and business books. By Diane Coyle. 🇬🇧 More info

    Industrial policy – the long and the short of it.
    I’ve been dipping into the proofs of a substantial book, Industrial Policy for the United States by Marc Fasteau and Ian Fletcher, due out in September. It will prove a significant resource for anybody interested …
    By Diane Coyle, 591 words
  6. The Irish Economy
    Commentary, information, and intelligent discourse about the Irish economy. 🇮🇪 More info

    IEA 2024 Conference Programme
    The 37th Annual Irish Economic Association Conference will take place at the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill, Galway from Wednesday 8th to Friday 10th May 2024. The keynote speakers are Prof. Costas Meghir, Douglas A. Warner …
    By John Cullinan, 107 words
  7. mainly macro
    Comment on macroeconomic issues. By Simon Wren-Lewis. 🇬🇧 More info

    More power to the OBR?
    The new bill to ensure that a UK government obtains the OBR’s analysis for any fiscal event is largely symbolic, because the reaction to the Truss fiscal event will be enough to ensure that happens …
    1,646 words
  8. Marginal REVOLUTION
    Small Steps Toward A Much Better World. By Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok. 🇺🇸 More info

    Russia facts of the day
    A further bump in real wages of up to 3.5 per cent is expected this year, alongside an expected 3 per cent jump in real disposable income, according to Russia’s Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and …
    By Tyler Cowen, 189 words
  9. Stumbling and Mumbling
    An extremist, not a fanatic. By Chris Dillow. 🇬🇧 More info

    Investment & growth: some problems
    A while back, Dietrich Vollrath wrote a famous post called "You can't reform your way to rapid growth." We should add to this: you can't invest your way to rapid growth either. The government's "number …
    By chris, 1,276 words
  10. Tax Policy Associates - Reports
    A think tank dedicated to improving tax policy and the public understanding of tax. 🇬🇧 More info

    GC Wealth – the £bn tax avoidance scheme that could be fraud
    We’ve been investigating a Belize company called GCWealth. It says its offshore trusts can eliminate tax on your assets, and prevent your spouse or creditors ever accessing the assets. And GCWealth claims that billions of …
    By Dan, 69 words
  11. Tim Harford | Articles
    The Undercover Economist. 🇬🇧 More info

    How to fix the UK? Let me count the ways
    Here’s the bad news: it is going to take more than a change of government to cure what ails Britain. The symptoms are wearyingly familiar, but worth summarising. Waiting lists for NHS treatment have soared …
    By Tim Harford, 927 words
  12. Uneasy Money
    Commentary on monetary policy in the spirit of R. G. Hawtrey. By David Glasner. 🇺🇸 More info

    Thoughts and Details on the Fiscal Theory of the Price Level
    The Fiscal Theory of the Price Level has been percolating among monetary theorists for over three decades: Eric Leeper being the first to offer a formalization of the idea, with Chris Sims and Michael Woodford …
    By David Glasner, 3,006 words