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Arnold Zwicky's Blog

A blog mostly about language.

  • By Arnold Zwicky
  • Roughly one post per day
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Feb 2023 37
Mar 2023 18
Apr 2023 30
May 2023 47
Jun 2023 43
Jul 2023 63
Aug 2023 72
Sep 2023 41
Oct 2023 16
Nov 2023 30
Dec 2023 37
Jan 2024 29
Feb 2024 25
Mar 2024 41
Apr 2024 35
May 2024 42
Jun 2024 39
Jul 2024 32

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Esperanto Day
Probal Dasgupta notes on Facebook the significance of 7/26: on 7/26/1887, L. L. Zamenhof (15 December 1859 – 14 April 1917) published (in Warsaw, under the pseudonym Doktoro Esperanto) his Dr. Esperanto’s International Language (Esperanto: …
On , by arnold zwicky, 230 words
A taste for snails
Nelson Minar writing on Facebook on 7/19 alludes to the controversial oysters vs. snails bath scene in the 1960 movie Spartacus: Facebook has now figured out that I prefer snails to oysters so it is …
On , by arnold zwicky, 848 words
What shall we do with the leftover pie dough?
Now we sing, to the tune of “Drunken Sailor”: What shall we do with the leftover pie dough? … … Cut it into slabs and then you bake them. Do that, and you get the …
On , by arnold zwicky, 605 words