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Blogs about Language

23 blogs about Language.

  1. Ace Linguist
    At the crossroads of linguistics and pop culture. By Karen. 🇺🇸 More info

    Karuta, a Competitive Phonetics Game?
    In the anime “Chihayafuru,” a team of high schoolers plays a card game called ‘karuta’. It’s based around hearing a reader read a poem aloud, and then finding the card corresponding to that poem on …
    454 words
  2. All Things Linguistic
    A blog about all things linguistic by Gretchen McCulloch. I cohost Lingthusiasm, a podcast that's enthusiastic about linguistics. I'm the author of Because Internet, a book about internet language! 🇺🇸 More info

    Here’s the classic tumblr no punctuation swift like a jungle river text post on the real physical…
    dashboarddiaries:Every Tumblr user knows that we Tumblrinas use language a little differently. We’re not like other social media users. We’re weird. We’re weirdos. And this month, we have actual linguist Gretchen McCulloch (@allthingslinguistic) on to …
    235 words
  3. Arnold Zwicky's Blog
    A blog mostly about language. More info

    Annals of diminutive /li/
    Just two days ago, it was (piecrust) crumblies. Now, Benita Bendon Campbell has sent me e-mail connecting crumblies to (garment) greeblies — which, as it turns out, I posted about on this blog way back …
    By arnold zwicky, 904 words
  4. Balashon - Hebrew Language Detective
    A blog about the origin of Hebrew words and phrases and how they relate to English and other languages. By David Curwin. 🇮🇱 More info

    emunah, amen, emet, and umanut
    Someone recently asked me if I had written about the root אמן. I thought for sure I had already, but it turned out I only mentioned it very briefly as a sidenote in this post:Jastrow …
    By Balashon, 1,049 words
  5. colin_morris
    I’m a funemployed programmer and deep learning enthusiast. By Colin Morris. 🇨🇦 More info

    Does ChatGPT know about things Wikipedia doesn't?
    I’ve spent a lot of time editing Wikipedia. I do it for many reasons, but one of the sillier ones floating around the margins of my consciousness is that I like to think that, by …
    885 words
  6. Fritinancy
    Names, brands, writing, and the language of commerce. By Nancy Friedman. 🇺🇸 More info

    Meet me on Substack
    Hello! Whether you’ve landed here by chance or through habit, I welcome you — and suggest that you follow me to where the action is now: on my Substack newsletter. The name is the same, …
    By Nancy Friedman, 127 words
    By Gareth Rees. 🇬🇧 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    We’ve given up fetching this feed because we kept getting ‘Can't connect to domain’.

    The rediscovery of Morniel Mathaway
    1. Academic rumours Careful scholarship is supposed to protect us from chains of whispers, where texts get distorted via paraphrase and summary so that secondary and tertiary works fail to accurately convey the sense of …
    3,026 words
  8. grammaticus
    weekly posts on literature, languages, and learning. By Nenad Knezevic. 🇷🇸 More info

    Unboxing the ‘Knox Bible’
    One of the latest additions to my library is the Knox Version of the Bible, published by Baronius Press. In this unboxing post I’m going to present its features, starting with a brief explainer on …
    By Waldmann, 42 words
  9. The Ideophone
    Sounding out ideas on language, vivid sensory words, and iconicity. By Mark Dingemanse. 🇳🇱 More info

    Living with Latour
    A while back I read Bruno Latour’s After Lockdown, his last sole-authored book. It is beautiful and written with the poetic vision of someone whose world, whose Earth, whose Universe has come alive with relations, …
    By Mark Dingemanse, 315 words
  10. Inky Fool
    Being the weblog of Mark Forsyth. 🇬🇧 More info

    The Gift of Thrift
    Start with something simple. We've got the verb give, which we all know, and the thing that you give is a gift. They're quite obviously related. This is Not Interesting.Then you've got people who use …
    By M.H. Forsyth, 420 words
  11. Italian poetry for English speakers
    Aims to facilitate the appreciation of Italian poetry by English speakers who don't speak Italian. More info

    Presagio, by Ada Negri
    The original: Quando avanza il febbraio, e ancor non ride Primavera, ma più non piange Inverno, ti trasfiguri; e l’ansia hai della zolla che si risveglia e riconosce il sole. Timido è il sole di …
    295 words
  12. Jabal al-Lughat
    Climbing the Mountain of Languages. By Lameen Souag. 🇺🇸 More info

    Three Mubi proverbs via YouTube
    In an episode of "Chadian Wisdom and Proverbs", Yaqub Muhammad Musa discusses three Mubi proverbs, providing the Mubi versions along with translation and extensive commentary in Arabic. Mubi is comparatively well-documented as East Chadic languages …
    By Lameen Souag الأمين سواق, 378 words
    By Language Hat. 🇺🇸 More info

    Margaret Talbot has a New Yorker review (archived) of Susannah Gibson’s “intelligent and engrossing” new book, The Bluestockings: A History of the First Women’s Movement; the origin of the term is explained in this section: …
    By languagehat, 588 words
  14. Language Log
    By Mark Liberman, Geoffrey Pullum, et al. 🇺🇸 More info

    Annals of intervocalic coronal reduction
    What word do you hear in this clip? Your browser does not support the audio element. If you heard "prison", you agree with me, and with Google's speech-to-text algorithm. But in fact the word is …
    By Mark Liberman, 353 words
  15. Namerology : Articles Archives
    The home for name enthusiasts, and anyone with a naming question that they’d like answered with an analytical mindset and a positive attitude. By Laura Wattenberg. 🇺🇸 More info

    The Lucy Myth
    Why is this classic name so misunderstood? Lucille Ball in I Love Lucy Quick question: which of these names is not like the others? Molly, Elsie, Sadie, Lucy At first glance, the four make a …
    By LauraWattenberg, 401 words
  16. Nancy's Baby Names – Blog
    More info

    Where did the baby name Denilson come from in 1997?
    Denílson de Oliveira Araújo The name Denilson emerged in the U.S. baby name data in 1997, saw a steep rise in usage in 1998, and reached peak popularity in 2002: 2003: 44 baby boys named …
    By Nancy Man, 300 words
  17. Not One-Off Britishisms
    British words and expressions that have got popular in the U.S. By Ben Yagoda. 🇺🇸 More info

    Are England Shit?
    When I saw in headlines that soccer/football commentator Gary Lineker had called England’s national team “shit” or “s—” (the two main variations I saw), I knew I had to find the exact wording. The quote …
    By Ben Yagoda, 217 words
  18. Russian Dinosaur
    A blog mostly about Russian literature and translation issues, as retailed by a small stuffed dinosaur. 🇬🇧 More info

    Thank you for the radishes: Edmund Wilson in dialogue with Helen Muchnic
    In 1942, the literary critic and Princeton graduate, Edmund Wilson, then forty-seven, made friends with a scholar of Russian literature slightly younger than himself, Helen Muchnic. Born in Baku in 1902, Helen emigrated to the …
    By Russian Dinosaur, 1,889 words
  19. Sentence first
    An Irishman's blog about the English language. By Stan Carey. 🇮🇪 More info

    Link love: language (79)
    A selection of topical language-related links for your reading (or listening) pleasure. I have cameos in a couple of them: I am not a typo. Linguistic capture errors. How robins got their name. The endangered-language …
    By Stan Carey, 211 words
  20. Separated by a Common Language
    explore[s] the often subtle differences in American and British English. By Lynne Murphy. 🇬🇧 More info

    I've just found a bunch of research on my computer about conflab. I can't remember why I saved a bunch of corpus results on it, but maybe it was season/series 5 of Succession that brought …
    By lynneguist, 581 words