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Surplus Jouissance Projects.

  • By Neil Gorman
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly five posts per month

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Feb 2024 36
Mar 2024 34
Apr 2024 20
May 2024 10
Jun 2024 2
Jul 2024 0

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Vincente Palomera on Symptom v. Drive
Continuing to read from the essay What May I Expect From Psychoanalysis? by Vicente Palomera, which I posted about earlier this week.LinksOn page 6 of the document, under the heading Symptom and Repression, Palomera points …
On , by Neil Gorman, 1,147 words
A path
From L’étourdit (1972), ‘A Bilingual Presentation of the First Turn’ Summer 2009, via Lacan in Ireland. One can discourse in a thousand ways about the analyst. Rightly orwrongly. And if it is wrongly (which never …
On , by Neil Gorman, 239 words
⌾ Arbitrage | 4 Things
Hello, It is Friday, the day I send out a list of things I think might bring some surplus jouissance into the lives of people who read it. |1| WATCHING (Series) – Season 2 of …
On , by Neil Gorman, 602 words