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Chips and Cheese – The Devil is in the Details

Technology news, reviews, insights and leaks with a real technical twist, and the occasional rant or two...

  • By George Cozma et al.
  • Roughly two posts per week
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Most recent posts

Zen 5’s 2-Ahead Branch Predictor Unit: How a 30 Year Old Idea Allows for New Tricks
When I recently interviewed Mike Clark, he told me, “…you’ll see the actual foundational lift play out in the future on Zen 6, even though it was really Zen 5 that set the table for …
On , by Cheese, 2,070 words
Arm’s Neoverse V2, in AWS’s Graviton 4
Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest cloud provider, and an early Arm server adopter. AWS started investing into the Arm server ecosystem in 2018 with Graviton 1, which used 16 Cortex A72 cores. Three …
On , by clamchowder, 4,684 words
Arm’s Cortex A73: Resource Limits, What are Those?
Arm (the company) enjoyed plenty of design wins towards the mid 2010s. Their 32-bit Cortex designs scored wins in Nvidia’s Tegra 3 and Tegra 4. Samsung’s Exynos chips in the Galaxy S4 and S5 also …
On , by clamchowder, 3,755 words