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Blogs about Hardware

16 blogs about Hardware.

  1. Blog Joshua
    Joshua Rocky Tuahta Purba's personal blog about everything. 🇮🇩 More info

    Li-ion Cells Salvage Again
    Salvaging 18650 li-ion cells from dead battery pack of a ThinkPad T530.
    16 words
  2. bunnie's blog
    By Andrew “bunnie” Huang. 🇸🇬 More info

    Name that Ware, June 2024
    The Ware for June 2024 is shown below. This one will probably be a super-easy guess for some folks, but the details of the design of this type of ware are interesting from an engineering …
    By bunnie, 98 words
  3. The Cheapskate's Guide to Computers and the Internet
    🇺🇸 More info

    Everyone wants to control the Internet.
    Everyone wants to prevent us from using the Internet the way we want, but we still have options.
    24 words
  4. Chips and Cheese – The Devil is in the Details
    Technology news, reviews, insights and leaks with a real technical twist, and the occasional rant or two... By George Cozma et al. More info

    Zen 5’s 2-Ahead Branch Predictor Unit: How a 30 Year Old Idea Allows for New Tricks
    When I recently interviewed Mike Clark, he told me, “…you’ll see the actual foundational lift play out in the future on Zen 6, even though it was really Zen 5 that set the table for …
    By Cheese, 2,070 words
  5. The CPU Shack
    A museum for the history of processors and CPUs and how they have changed our world. Includes Intel, AMD as well as lesser known companies such as Signetics. By John Culver. 🇺🇸 More info

    National Semi. PACE/INS8900 Test Boards
    In 1974 National Semiconductor introduced what is arguably the first 16-bit microprocessor (it had a 8-bit mode as well which was more efficient but could run 16-bits as well). This chip was made on a …
    667 words
  6. Epsilon's World
    🇦🇺 More info

    Retro meeting, CZ and 1080p video on AmigaOS 4 with A1222
    I didn't expect to have any time to write a blog post in June (same as May and April), but as it turned out I did, so here I am!Work is currently crazy, and issues …
    By Epsilon, 3,634 words
  7. Going back to electronic after a 20 years break
    By meanX. More info

    Setting up vscode+bmp/vscode to debug code in ram (RP2040)
    The main problem when debugging the code in ram is that the CPU will have started to executewhatever is in flash before you catch it, including potentially clearing the ram.As a result , the setup …
    By meanX, 222 words
  8. Ken Shirriff's blog
    Computer history, restoring vintage computers, IC reverse engineering, and whatever. 🇺🇸 More info

    Inside an IBM/Motorola mainframe controller chip from 1981
    In this article, I look inside a chip in the IBM 3274 Control Unit.1 But before I discuss the chip, I need to give some background on mainframes. (I didn't completely analyze the chip, so …
    By Ken Shirriff, 2,871 words
  9. Liliputing
    Compact Computing (News, reviews, and info about tablets, notebooks, smartphones, and more). 🇺🇸 More info

    Windows 11 File Explorer is adding Android phone support
    It’s possible to connect most Android phones to a PC with a USB cable and treat the phone as a USB mass storage device if you want to drag and drop files between devices or …
    By Brad Linder, 80 words
  10. MCQN Ltd
    Connecting strange things to the Internet since 2005. By Adrian McEwen, et al. 🇬🇧 More info

    What Business Do You Have Being on the Fediverse?
    This blog post was written back in June 2021. Back then we didn’t have a Mastodon account (although Adrian’s was a few years old by then) and the Fediverse was a much quieter place. We …
    1,507 words
  11. PC Gazer
    Popular Tags Gaming Intel Streaming Windows GPU Nvidia Linux Graphics Mac Benchmarks Humble Elgato M1 Pro Raspberry Pi M1 Max Alder Lake Handheld EVGA. By Ryan Matthew Pierson. 🇺🇸 More info

    Updated ⚠️️

    Still trying to fetch this feed, but last time we got ‘Not Found’.

    List of Fallout Factions by Game
    One of the biggest decision players make during a Fallout playthrough is how to side with (or against) various factions present in the games. These factions often give the player a moral dilemma when deciding …
    341 words
  12. PlanB – Powered by tea
    Powered by tea. By Libby Miller. 🇬🇧 More info

    LoRa Spectral Scan
    To answer my own question about LoRaWan Gateway not picking up general LoRa packets, I thought it might to be useful to get a utility in the gateway library called spectral scan working (see setup …
    By libbymiller, 499 words
  13. Robot Gizmos
    Covering the latest robots, robotic gizmos, coding kits, AI research, and advancements in the world of bionics. 🇺🇸 More info

    Hydrus Autonomous Underwater Robot with 1km Depth Rating
    This is the Hydrus: an autonomous underwater drone that makes underwater data capture easy. It is ready to go out of the box without extensive training. It is based on an open platform and has …
    By robot man, 121 words
  14. SoftRobotCritics
    Autonomous motion, kinetics, aesthetics, softness, flexibility, and the unexpected. More info

  15. Thomas' Random Hackery
    Web, hardware and other random hackery. By Thomas Hollstegge. 🇩🇪 More info

    ws2mqtt - Connect WiSafe2 devices to Home Assistant
    ws2mqtt - Connect WiSafe2 devices to Home Assistant
    16 words
  16. Tom Armitage » Blog
    🇬🇧 More info

    Worknotes: Summer 2024
    Coming up for air. What happened is: I lined up the Next Thing (as mentioned at the end of last quarter’s worknotes), and then it promptly proceeded to entirely consume my time and brain for …
    893 words