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Ben Overmyer

Digital Platform Engineer and Game Designer.

  • By Ben Overmyer
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly 10 posts per year
  • First post on

Posts per year

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per year
Year starting Posts
2014 3
2015 7
2016 7
2017 3
2018 17
2019 8
2020 11
2021 14
2022 10
2023 14
2024 2

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

2024 Midyear Project Update
2024 has been a hectic year so far. Most recently, we very nearly moved to western New York, but a series of unfortunate events and observations made us reconsider at the last second and decide …
On , 391 words
Looking Ahead to 2024
This year I want to continue my introduction to bodybuilding and round out my fitness regimen with regular cardio. For January and February, I'll finish the "Start From Scratch" series of workouts. I will also …
On , 267 words
2023 Year in Review
2023 was a year of important changes and improvements in my life. My goals for the year according to last year's "Looking Ahead to 2023" post ended up going wide of the mark. I didn't …
On , 971 words