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  • By Nick Fagerlund
  • Roughly three posts per month
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Jan 2022 1
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Mar 2022 0
Apr 2022 1
May 2022 2
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Jul 2022 2
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Jan 2024 1
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May 2024 1
Jun 2024 4
Jul 2024 4

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Most recent posts

Didread: Vernal Edge, Element of Fire, Forming
Ruth and I got covid, for the second time. Bleagh! We're doing mostly all right. We had a Novavax update in the spring, and I'm hitting the antihistamines (double-teaming cetirizine and famotidine) per the recent …
On , 537 words
Didread: Anthology of the Killer, Between Worlds
Bonus Level: Anthology of the Killer Jul 14, 2024 This rules. It's a compilation of nine short comedy/horror walk-and-talk games, about a zine-writing gal trying to get by in the city (and having to constantly …
On , 859 words
Didread: Query, Big Questions, 4000 Weeks, Ys 3
Hello, it's yet another mixed post of things I read and/or played. Zilla Novikov — Query July 24, 2023 A short and surreal experimental novel about work, isolation, making friends as an adult, the ongoing …
On , 677 words