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Pröper Gander |

rock operatic speculative fiction (and more) by Matthew Graybosch.

  • By Matthew Graybosch
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly 11 posts per month
  • First post on

Posts per month

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Apr 2023 13
May 2023 20
Jun 2023 30
Jul 2023 22
Aug 2023 27
Sep 2023 0
Oct 2023 2
Nov 2023 0
Dec 2023 0
Jan 2024 1
Feb 2024 1
Mar 2024 9
Apr 2024 8
May 2024 13
Jun 2024 16
Jul 2024 3

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

How About Some Toast and Eggs
It would be nice if spammers did some basic research before sending pitches, but I suppose that would shitcan their economic model. Case in point: this bullshit from "Emily Ballmer" at "buysocials dot org". Good …
On , by Matthew Graybosch, 1,148 words
Better Than You
I was swimming at the Y today, doing my laps next to a guy who probably competes. He was jacked, and streaking across the pool freestyle in half the time it takes me to cross …
On , by Matthew Graybosch, 1,355 words
Another Vacation, Please
On Monday I returned to my day job from a two week vacation, and I find I need another vacation already. Ideally a permanent one. However, I doubt I will ever get to retire. If …
On , by Matthew Graybosch, 2,125 words