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Conversable Economist

In Hume’s spirit, I will attempt to serve as an ambassador from my world of economics, and help in “finding topics of conversation fit for the entertainment of rational creatures.”.

  • By Timothy Taylor
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly four posts per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Jan 2023 15
Feb 2023 13
Mar 2023 18
Apr 2023 12
May 2023 16
Jun 2023 14
Jul 2023 17
Aug 2023 18
Sep 2023 20
Oct 2023 12
Nov 2023 16
Dec 2023 18
Jan 2024 17
Feb 2024 15
Mar 2024 15
Apr 2024 14
May 2024 14
Jun 2024 10
Jul 2024 15

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

US Manufacturing Jobs in Long-Term Context
Manufacturing jobs have a talismanic force in the politics of the US and many other high-income countries. The underlying belief often seems to be that governments of other countries have enacted policies that allowed them …
On , by conversableeconomist, 857 words
If Demand for US Treasury Bonds Dried Up, What Warning Signs Would Flash?
US government debt is climbing. The Congressional Budget Office estimates show that “debt held by the public” is 99% of US GDP in 2024, and projected to rise. Is there a point where investors around …
On , by conversableeconomist, 767 words
Tradeoffs from a Real-World Climate Geoengineering Experience
The idea of “geoengineering” as a response to the risks of climate change involves putting particles, probably sulfur, into the atmosphere to counterbalance the effects of carbon and other warming gasses. The idea is controversial. …
On , by conversableeconomist, 626 words