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Rob Hinchcliffe - The blog

Writer and editor.

  • By Rob Hinchcliffe
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly 27 posts per year

Posts per year

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per year
Year starting Posts
2023 38
2024 20

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Notes for week of 19 May, 2024
⤳ A pretty busy Bank Holiday week. Went to see Jez Butterworth’s new play, The Hills of California on Thursday evening and really enjoyed it, even though the last ten minutes left me a little …
On , by Rob Hinchcliffe, 249 words
Notes for week of 12 May, 2024
⤳ A highlight of last week was the Interesting Conference at Conway Hall. My notes from the evening go like this: Taps, Compost, Dust, Pensions, Tea Kitchen Appliances, Fashion, PR. And that wasn’t even the …
On , by Rob Hinchcliffe, 263 words
A blind date with a movie
Last night I watched the 1945 Powell and Pressburger film I Know Where I’m Going!. I didn’t plan to. It’s not a film I’ve ever paid much attention to before even though (as the trailer …
On , by Rob Hinchcliffe, 456 words