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virology blog

About viruses and viral disease.

  • By Vincent Racaniello
  • Based in United States of America
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Aug 2022 5
Sep 2022 14
Oct 2022 22
Nov 2022 9
Dec 2022 8
Jan 2023 5
Feb 2023 8
Mar 2023 6
Apr 2023 11
May 2023 8
Jun 2023 8
Jul 2023 6
Aug 2023 6
Sep 2023 10
Oct 2023 9
Nov 2023 8
Dec 2023 7
Jan 2024 11
Feb 2024 7
Mar 2024 8
Apr 2024 12
May 2024 8
Jun 2024 6
Jul 2024 4

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Trial By Error: “Effort Preference”? WTF?
By David Tuller, DrPH When I was a young gay man in the 1980s (I’m 67), a common term for sexual orientation was “sexual preference.” This phrase always struck me as weird. Preference? The urges …
On , by David Tuller, 71 words
Trial By Error: More Debate About Treatment of Severe ME/CFS
By David Tuller, DrPH Last month, Jonathan Edwards, an emeritus professor of medicine at University College London and an advocate for patients with ME/CFS, published a statement on a pre-print server about managing the nutritional …
On , by David Tuller, 79 words
Trial By Error: New Paper Seeks to Reframe Poor Findings in CODES Trial of CBT for Non-Epileptic Seizures
By David Tuller, DrPH The CODES trial investigated cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) as a treatment for dissociative seizures (DS), a sub-category of what is now called functional neurological disorder (FND). The intervention was a course …
On , by David Tuller, 95 words