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Uncharted Worlds

Life, thinking, communication, creativity/logistics, reality, integrity, unconscious wisdom, education outside school, queer politics, activism, bisexuality, polyamory, love, relationships, parenting… and books.

  • By Jennifer Moore
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly eight posts per year
  • First post on

Posts per year

Data for this chart is available in the table below
Posts per year
Year starting Posts
2022 1
2023 8
2024 2

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Bridging from the Fediverse to Bluesky (or not)
Comments on Ryan Barrett’s plan to create a “bridge” between the Fediverse and Bluesky, with reference to defaults, consent & moderation. Kind of a geeky post coming up! I was going to put it as …
On , by Jennifer, 809 words
New Year 2024
A mix of things and thoughts, for the coming year. Happy new year, everyone. Overall I don’t feel optimistic about where the human race is headed. So it doesn’t feel like a year that’s going …
On , by Jennifer, 1,978 words
Moderation at scale
On moderation of social media: principles, workloads, scale. I was thinking about the overall dynamics of instance-level federation on the Fediverse. The admins of each instance can choose to stay connected to each other instance …
On , by Jennifer, 1,722 words