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Alex Wilson - Home

Software Engineer, Technical Architect — Helping build a better, faster internet.

  • By Alex Wilson
  • Based in United Kingdom
  • Roughly one post per week
  • First post on

Posts per month

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Posts per month
Month starting Posts
Oct 2022 4
Nov 2022 5
Dec 2022 4
Jan 2023 5
Feb 2023 4
Mar 2023 4
Apr 2023 5
May 2023 4
Jun 2023 4
Jul 2023 5
Aug 2023 4
Sep 2023 5
Oct 2023 3
Nov 2023 1
Dec 2023 0
Jan 2024 4
Feb 2024 4
Mar 2024 5
Apr 2024 4
May 2024 4
Jun 2024 5
Jul 2024 3

Any gaps could be due to errors when fetching the blog’s feed.

Most recent posts

Weeknotes: Calculating — Week 29, 2024
A week of noteworthy lunches. Even my Sainsbury’s meal-deal on Wednesday cooccurred with fun chat. Spent a lot of time in VCV Rack in the evenings working on dangerous new hobby. My team had our …
On , by alex, 207 words
Weeknotes: Post-Technical — Week 28, 2024
The aftermath of the election has been smooth at work. While we haven’t run a retrospective yet, we successfully sped back up to our normal pace of changes without any major issues. Already we’re in …
On , by alex, 225 words
Weeknotes: Electing — Week 27, 2024
UK Election this week. My week is evenly split into three: Pre-Election, Election Night and Recovery. Pre-election my focus at work was end-to-end testing a few scenarios that were theoretically fine, but had not been …
On , by alex, 180 words