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Art of Memory | Blog

Learn about memory palaces, mnemonics, mental calculation, acrostics, eidetic memory, and more.

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Jun 2023 46
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Most recent posts

An alternative other than dopamine detox?
I often experience dopamine crashes and wanted to know if there are alternatives other than waiting 24-48 hours, which is commonly advised in dopamine detox, to regain the desire to do so-called boring tasks. For …
On , by Bylkuss, 112 words
00-99 major system list suitable for a 10 y/o kid
(topic deleted by author) 1 post - 1 participant Read full topic
On , by Badr4sudan, 22 words
What to do when the image fade away but the knowledge stay
Ok I know the title sound weird but follow along. Today I was doing some review of one of my memory palace I created a few week ago. Like always I started to chant the …
On , by Alzair, 183 words